I had a very quiet morning too lazy to do anything except sprawled in bed till 11.30am after doing my washing ..... then decide to fry some bihun.My brother Fandi came with durian roll for me .... yum yum....

The fried bihun and durian cake .........
At 2pm my sis sms to say that bil will be fetching me at 6pm to go for dinner .... ok I still have 4 hrs so thought of taking 40 winks but at 3.45pm sms to say get ready coming to fetch at 4pm....adoi I haven't even shower yet .... so rush and got ready in 20 mintues .... now if you see the photo how come my face so white hmmmm..... in a hurry ler tu .... hahaha .....
We were an hour early fetching my sis Aini at her work place being month end she has to come in on a staurday......so to kill time we went to nearby fruit market to eat durian at little Adriana's request ............
Ram and Saat came to meet us and we proceed to Far East Plaza to eat at Sakura thai cuisine ....... ni Dodie and Mas sure will remember .... mas dah mkn kan for you .... hehehe

excuse my wayang cina face ye ..... hahaha

we had steam fish,prawns oat,tom yam soup and kailan beef ..........

We proceed to Gelare for coffee and the above is meant for my b'day cake brownies with ice cream topping ............ they sang .... can't take my eyes of you ....... thanks Saat for the treat too.

excuse my wayang cina face ye ..... hahaha

we had steam fish,prawns oat,tom yam soup and kailan beef ..........
thank you Kam for the dinner ............

We proceed to Gelare for coffee and the above is meant for my b'day cake brownies with ice cream topping ............ they sang .... can't take my eyes of you ....... thanks Saat for the treat too.
tak aci nih..nak lah jugak.. sedap nya nampak all the food... yummy yummy.
tu lah kan I dah suruh datang sape suruh pergi SA beli kain...hmmm...dah miss all the yummy food...hehehe
Kak Elle,
I like the long rantai... Cantik... Cath dah 2 hari tak sihat... Batuk2, sinus problem and sore throat... :(((
uhuu..sedapnya.. tadi kat dapur ummi ada nasi ayam..kat sini macam thai food pulak. I asyik berlari ke sana sini, dapur pun tak berasap. Dush.. itu durian manyak sedap, sama manis dengan itu model.. hehe.
ala.. punah harapan nak dapat coach bag... hahaha!!!
sedapnya makan kak elle.. neeza makan nasi, sup ayam campur mushroom and sambal sardine aje today..
kakkkk,cam ni saya nak pi singapore laa..makan makan semua sedapppp..tergoda tekak ku ini..waaaaa
sambung sikit lagi kak...ummi jom pi sama sama nak tak!....hahahaha
ala..ni yang x aci ni....sedap tu semua mkn kat situ. Mas..ko x tension ker?? sedap..sedap..sedap..sajer je tau kak elle ni..
wow..cantik2 gift kak elle..happy for u!
(adus! punya seronok tengok makanan, sampai tersalah tekan button!)
Berapa tambang nak gi Spore ni???!!!
take care and jgn lupa mkn ubat ye.
kenapa dapur tak berasap?busy buat chocolates eh?...hehehe
itu model yg mau makan lulian lor.
hahaha...bukan senang kan?lebih baik neeza beli aje lah hmm..kalau dgn duit yg 1K neeza belanja dulu agak dapat 1 coach bag tau....hehe
gi contact ummi and book ticket mai sini kita makan makan....haha
shhhhhhhh jgn tunjuk Mas nanti dia tension...hahaha
alhamdulillah rezeki akak kan?
u nak naik SAS or SQ?
your next trip back bolih lah singgah sini:)
uwaaa...manyak sedapp itu makanan lorrr...buat i terasa lapar ajer kak elle nie tau hehehe
seronok bila ada ramai yang sayang pada kita ...
ingati kita
hormati kita
sayangi kita
lah kesian nya hari ni MIL tak bagi nasi bungkus ke?
alhamdulillah masih ada yg ingat kan?
Wow bestnya...makan2 lagi...
Bertuahnya kak elle....sentiasa dikelilingi oleh orang2 yang menyayangi...alhamdulillah......moga2 terus begitu.
tidak kupinta...hehehe...alhamdulillah kami adik beradik di kirakan rapat.
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