I am feeling unwell and last nite felt terrible with tightness of my chest and headache and been having this choking feeling since thursday.
Will be going to hospital soon and please doa for me and hopefully its not my heart.
Will be going to hospital soon and please doa for me and hopefully its not my heart.
Kak elle, sakit dada...?? Cepat2lah pergi klinik....
Moga2 cepat sihat, ya....
Kak Elle,
find out whats wrong and stick to the doctor's advice.Biasalah engine kita rosak sikit2 semakin berumur ni!
Get well quickly.
Have a speedy recovery. Please take care, 'our big day' is coming nearer.
Cepat2 sembuh ya, rehat banyak2....
cepat pergi jumpa doctor kak elle.. banyakkan rehat. Jangan lupa makan ubat ikut schedule tau..
semoga kak Elle segera sihat dan ceria ya..
may the medic pro will find the answer and get a right mediaction. Get well soon, kakElle.
Get well soon Kak Elle - tenangkan diri dan hati.
I pray for your speedy recovery.
I pray that you get well soon... jangan buat keje berat tau... get enough rest ya..
Kak Elle, we shall doa for your health to be in tiptop order again! InsyaAllah. Take care and keep us posted, rest well ok. I shall come back for news.... hugs, be well.
kak elle, do go for the check up, rest and get well soon. Will doa for yr recovery.
kak elle
cepat pergi hospital for thoroughly check up, okay.
cuaca tak berapa bagus, kejap panas, kejap hujan. saya pun ingat semalam, dah kena stay kat hospital, Alhamdulillah dah beransur baik tapi tak berselera nak mamam (bagus, bagus......)
kena dapatkan rawatan segera tu.. semuga kak elle sembuh segera..
Azwa doakan semoga kakelle cepat sembuh agar dapat berblogging seperti biasa.
my dear kak elle... kalau sakit jangan tunggu lama2... cepat2 pergi hospital ya... i wish everything is okay...take care!!
To all dear friends...
Thank u for your kind wishes and comments.
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