I received smses from ..........
ummi365,laracroft,cikmilah,neeza,wanmommy,norabella,nurazzah8,dodie,yeen,friends and colleagues in Singapore,my dear sisters and nieces ..... and of course to kaklady who sang for me and I always have to finish it for her .... hahaha and again ummi365 who called in the afternoon to sing as well.... and to those who left wishes in my face book.... thank you for making my birthday to remember.
As you know the school celebrated their founders today and we had morning tea with the Minister Dr Vivian Balakrishnan.....so thats really is a blessing rite to have such celebration .... just make believe that everyone celebrating for me ..... hahahaha
Students came to my room to wish me happy birthday when someone leaks it out but have to stop them as the Minister is few doors away.
Reading kaklady's entry brought tears to my eyes .....

The students left at 1pm today whilst we stayed till 3pm ............ on the way home I dropby BK to get food to bring home but unfortunately my ward Huda left earlier for home.
Then I found this on the fridge ........
Reading it brought tears to my eyes again ....Huda its so touching you know ....

semalam kami pun makan burger king kak Elle.. lepak kat tepi pantai 1 family aje. kalau kak Elle ada boleh kita makan sesama, potong kek kat situ..
Happy Birthday again.. 59 tu nampak banyak kan.. tapi you look much younger than that.. mak neeza this year will be 58. Tapi dia tak larat sangat nampak.. may be sebab lack of exercise..
waaa.. first commenter for this one.. hehee..
ternampak2 beg coach aje.. hahaha!!!
I baca ini dan N3 KakAnie pun berair mata kak. Especially on Huda's note. As I said, u r harvesting sweetnes in life..keep well.
yooo hooo... hehehe
ermm dah kata dah tadi kan suruh pos to me. not to worry i will eat in my dream. eh burger i laku tau. burger and telur lagi. jom datang sini makan.
Terharu kan baca huda and kak anie punya writings. You deserve it because you are kind to people around you. Have a nice day birthday girl!!!
salam kak,walau akak kesaorangan tapi akak di limpahi kasih sayang oleh sanak saudara yang begitu menyanyangi akak,jugak teman teman yang begitu menghargai akak...Alhamdullillah kak..akak ni dapat rahmat dari Nya...Saya ni pun baru kenal akak..tapi rasa nya dah macam kenal lama..akak ni mesra orang nya...dan saya berharap satu hari nanti kita akan bersua muka...macam nak dating pulak..hahaha
Akak ni masih anggun lagi..itu yang saya kagum dan tak percaya akak dah 59! Saya ni muda dari dari akak tapi alahai...macam mak nenek jugak!!!!
ok ok esok kita mkn tepi laut ngan BK ye....hehe
1 down 29 to go....hahaha
tu yg saya kata berair mata kan? sebak di buat nya...
alhamdulillah dan syukur kepada nya memberikan saya mereka2 yg menyangi saya.
ala ummi punya burger mesti lah habis..budak2 lapar....hahaha
yes it touches my heart reading them.
tak kisah mcm mak nenek yg mustahak hati kita baik dah kesihatan baik...
mungkin saya di bagi olih Nya macam ni jadi saya bersyukur dgn pemberian Nya.
Insya'allah satu hari nnt kita akan bertemu juga.
That's a very nice letter from Huda.... BK - my two girls' favourite.
very touching kan?
everyone's favourite eh BK
kak elle..apa petua nak nampak muda macam kak elle..cuba tengok gambar kak elle yg kat atas tu..doesnt look like 59 AT ALL!!!
kulit pun tak nampak wrinkles...
so sweet.
happy birthday again kak elle.
Moga terus dilimpahi rahmatNya. Alhamdulillah.
Hi aunty elle...
Happy birthday :). u know what? your birthday sama dgn my mak. and she is 59 too...kebetulan kan...
so i nk ucapkan sekali lagi Happy birthday..may u have the wonderful and the good one...
nice reading your blog...
p/s: i dah lama jadi your silent reader tau :)
gambar tu masa umur 55yrs 'coming of age'..haha
no petua lah maybe its just me:)
terima kasih sekali lagi:)
thank you for being my silent reader...oh really your mom same age as me:)
keep reading but don't be a silent reader ye do make comments.
Tunggu Burger King buka kat MM, lambat beno bukanya , yummy :)
nampak kat MM banyak fast food juga lah kira nya ye?
Buat sendiri pun bolih:)
Happy birthday Kak Elle. MOga panjang umur, murah rezeki dan diberkati ALLAH selalu. Amin.
TQ mudah2an ye)
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