Doc Adah called to ask how I am today followed by very concern ummi365 sms ... thank u ladies I am ok still kicking....hehehe...
I am surrounded with lovely and caring siblings and friends ... thank you so much.Last nite my sis Lina and bro Fandi came to visit and stayed till nearly 10pm bringing dinner for me.I was invited to stay with 2 of my sisters but decline as I rather rest in my own bed and home.
Today doc Adah bringing lunch too and I can't ask for more but syukur alhamdulillah.
I am also taking this opportunity to wish speedy recovery to our dear friend who is now warded in hospital suddenly ... sorry dah bagi amanah tak bolih bagi tau until she is discharged.She only sms me this morning ..... so let us put our hand together and give our doas for her recovery ya.

Kak Elle,
Glad to know you are surrounded with all your lovely sister and brother, Fandi... Mintak2 selalu lah dia orang ziarah Kak Elle, bawak lunch, dinner dan bagai... :)
yes I can't ask for more:)
Kak Elle, how you feel better soon. Its good to be surrounded by love ones especially when you are not well. Take care.
thank you:)
Alhamdullilah tak de apa2. Kak Elle terlampau busy tu.. tak sempat rehat..
Do get well soon and jgn lupa makan ubat.
mungkin jugak terlampau penat...
Alhamdulilah, ramai yg concern. Jaga makan dan rehat secukupnya...
Take care, kakElle.
get well soon kak elle cayang :)
Banyakkan rehat ya Kak Elle..
semoga Kak Elle segera sembuh.
Be happy and think of happy moments.. throw all sad memories for a while or forever ya dear sister..
kak ...
semuga sihat selalu hendak nya...dan cepat sembuh ya...nanti boleh datang KL ni...ok kak!
TQ yes hari ni byk berehat:)
akak asyik melekar mcm ular sawa ni...lunch pun doc adah dtg bawak kan...hehehe
dah mkn ubat nnti sihat bolih ke KL...haha
alhamdulillah...everything is okay..kak elle nak kena rest banyak and pergi holiday tu...baru cepat baik...jgn lupa makan ubat ya sis...
yes I am resting:)
Kak...rupanya selama anie bertapa ni akak tak sihat ye...anie pun kat rumah ni...sakit tekak...batuk & selsema...musim sakit lah agaknya kak...
Semoga akak akan segera sembuh...alhamdulillah ada adik2 yang begitu perihatin...
Nampaknya banyak yang anie terlepas baca...nanti nak baca entry2 lepas...
Kak...Get well soon...
Kak Elle, glad to hear u r feeling much better today! We shall doakan that u stay healhty for a long long time to come ok. We shall also doakan that your friend will get well and get out of the hospital too. Alhamdullilah u r indeed blessed Kak Elle, ramai yg care about your well being. U dont hv to worry about being alone or lonely..... Take care ok and rest well.
ni lah kalau berumur penyakit akan hinggap kan?alhamdulillah feeling better sikit.
Anie pun makan ubat jgn makan pedas2 sakit tekak tu.
yes I am blessed to have closenit siblings.
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