pelan tapi pasti
Hari ini aku menuju satu puncak
tangga yang baru
Karena aku akan membuka
lembaran baru
Untuk sisa jatah umurku yang baru…
ooops baru nak belajar BM ... hehehe

Merindu kasih beria-ria,
Hajat di hati ingin bersua,
Lima dekad hidup di dunia,
Pahit manis ditempuh jua,
Tapikan BI lagi senang kan?....... hahahaha ......
ok here goes......
A birthday is just another day,
more pages added to my folder.
I'm glad of whom I am today,
I would not have myself any other way.
"As one cat said to another: Birthdays are like fur balls-the more you have, the more you gag."
- Marla Morgan
Didn't expect it, to arrive so soon,
I don't think I'm ready,
as I stare at myself in the mirror.
Always believed in forever twenty-one(perasaan hehehe)
Where is my youth with that eternal fun?
Constantly thinking about what is ahead,
During long journey in the train to work,
repeatedly dread....if only I can retire,(ehem-ehem ummi nak retire sesama tak?)
Focused and ready to enhance my Future,
Share insights with friends, over a nescafe 3 in 1.
Life at 59,

I dream of freedom ( macam tak cukup)
with reading and blogging
(part ni kan ummi365 and cikmilah mesti senyum tau)
So much advice and laughter,
I clear my mind,
and this my own destiny I have chosen.
I would like to dedicate birthday wishes to my dear friend Yeen who will be celebrating her birthday tomorrow 28th February and also to mamamia who celebrates her birthday too this month and not forgetting someone's sister who is sharing same day as me.
Happy birthday to all of you and may we always be protected by HIM in health and sickness.
The school is having a big celebration too haha not for me but its our ...
123rd Founder’s Day
1st March 2009
(celebrated on Friday, 27th February 2009)
our guest of honour....
Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan,
Minister of Community Development, Youth and Sports
yeah tomorrow is halfday ...... hahahaha
more pages added to my folder.
I'm glad of whom I am today,
I would not have myself any other way.
"As one cat said to another: Birthdays are like fur balls-the more you have, the more you gag."
- Marla Morgan
Didn't expect it, to arrive so soon,
I don't think I'm ready,
as I stare at myself in the mirror.
Always believed in forever twenty-one(perasaan hehehe)
Where is my youth with that eternal fun?
Constantly thinking about what is ahead,
During long journey in the train to work,
repeatedly dread....if only I can retire,(ehem-ehem ummi nak retire sesama tak?)
Focused and ready to enhance my Future,
Share insights with friends, over a nescafe 3 in 1.
Life at 59,

I dream of freedom ( macam tak cukup)
with reading and blogging
(part ni kan ummi365 and cikmilah mesti senyum tau)
So much advice and laughter,
I clear my mind,
and this my own destiny I have chosen.

Happy birthday to all of you and may we always be protected by HIM in health and sickness.
The school is having a big celebration too haha not for me but its our ...
123rd Founder’s Day
1st March 2009
(celebrated on Friday, 27th February 2009)
our guest of honour....
Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan,
Minister of Community Development, Youth and Sports
yeah tomorrow is halfday ...... hahahaha
updated 9.00am
The 27 international students with their country flags awaiting the arrival of our minister Dr Vivian Balakrishnan.

My plate of yummy munchies at the reception .... itu sambal udang makan dgn keropok nasi so syiokkkkk..... hehehe ... not bad eh special birthday tea.
The happy look of a 59 yrs old lady ... just taken 20 minutes ago ....at 11am.
yeeee haaaa...
dah announce dah,,
may your life fill with happiness always with the people who appreciate you as what you are
Happy Birthday Kak Elle..
it's supposed to be tomorrow kan.. 27th Feb..
my wish - hope you will enjoy your beautiful life and may Allah bless all your days ahead..
thank you..thank you...
susah tau buat poem tu...sampai gugur rambut...hahaha
yes esok tapi buat mlm nie takut esok busy kat sekolah almaklum ada big celebration...hehe
Happy birthday dear akak vogue sayang mucuk...A box of chocolate is on its way to ACS bring my wishes and love to you.
Glamer Aunty Nurse birtdate sama ngan the foundation of ACS
happy birthday kak elle...may Allah s.w.t bless you with more wonderful things in life, good health and great blessings...
thank you for the wishes and the chocolates...
Founders day is 1st Mar but since jatuh on sunday kita celebrate 27th feb...meriah sikit lah my birthday ngan another teacher Mr.Ramesh
thank you very much:)
Happy Birthday to Kak Elle.Hope ur life full with love around you & good in health...
From - Ur silent reader :)
panjang umur nya,pjg umur nya pjg umur,jua murah rezeki..yayy!
happy 59th bday,queen elle.
wahhh ayuuu gitu pic yg berbaju kebaya,berhenbek 'gerabak' di tgn...ihiks'
semoga hidupmu penuh dgn rahmah dan barakah!
thank you so much my dear and thank you for being my silent reader too:)
kuat sikit nyanyi tak dengar...hahaha
thank you too for all the doas.
Salam Kak Elle
tak nampak macam 59 pun ....
tipu ek ....
w/apa pun
*moga dipanjangkan lagi usia, moga diberi kesihatan yang baik sepanjang waktu, dan moga akan sentiasa ada kawan kawan disekeliling kak elle susah mahupun senang *
luv U ...
mana bolih tipu dgn umur..sesungguh nya 59th tahun pB dah masuk senior citizen...tak bohong.
thank u dgn ucapan dan doa ye...dan pB pun semoga cepat sembuh.
Happy Birthday to Kak Elle... Wah, muda lagi wei... Honestly, you don't look like you're 59.
happy 59th Birthday Kak,
Moga dirahmati Allah dan ceria selalu.
I am 59th believe it or not...hahaha
terima kasih for the wishes:)
Kak Elle
are you sure 59!..macam tak percaya jer..Saya ingat 50 saja....Happpy Birthday kak..dont care la yang ke berapa,its only numbers saja...yang penting jiwa kita muda..hahaha
Semuga Di panjang kan umur,murah kan rezeki dan sentiasa di pelihara Allah hendak nya..Muarggh!! ((((Hugs)))) you.
***** HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear Kak Elle!!! *****
May your days always be blessed.
you must be joking kak elle...mana ada nampak like 59?? betul ke nie..macam tak percayala...
whateva it is...
Happy Birthday Kak Elle..hope that you'll be blessed with excellent health, joy and happiness in life..
adoi lagi satu tak percaya I am 59:)betul tak bohong...
nanti satu hari bila kita jumpa bolih tengok passport....hehehe
thank you:)
tak caya juga?macam ni kena scan identity card and tampal kat sini....hahahaha
thank you for the kind wishes ya.
Happy birthday Kak!
Age is just a number...you are forever young in our hearts! Vogue always..keep cool, stay healthy, be happy always..and may Allah bless you!
thank you ...yes vogue always...haha
Happy Birthday Kak Elle,
Moga dirahmati Allah dan
dipanjang umur,jua murah rezeki.
sakurasa ....
thank you:)
Kak Elle.
Happy bithday...kebahagiaan, kesihatan dan kegembiraan itu memang milik akak..anugerah tuhan. cheese.
terima kasih bebanyak:)
mcm belum 59 je? :)
actually baru 21 je ....hahaha
Happy 59th Birthday, Kak Elle.
Moga dimurahkan rezeki, diberi kesihatan yang baik dan kebahagiaan berkekalan sesama insan.
Happy Birthday akak !!
InsyaAllah hidup diberkati.Amin.
thank you dah balik KL eh...
insya'allh semoga di berkati...amin
rina pun take care ye semoga cepat sembuh.
Kak...semoga sentiasa ceria di usia 59 ini...
terima kasih susah payah nyanyi kan lagu pagi tadi...hehee...lain kali aeez nyanyi eh:)
Wow !!
Happy birthday kak elle...tak sangka dah berumor 59 tahun !!
Psst!! Ada petua awet muda tak ?? (wajah kak elle halus dan gebu je...jeles nih!)
yg keempat tak caya umur akak ye...hehe
takde rahsia...happy selalu:)
selamat hari lahir yg ke 59.. tahniah..
semuga panjang umur sihat tubuh badan di murah kan rezeki dan di permudah segala urusan amin..
terima kasih ...mudah2an sihat selalu ye:)
kak elle, happy 59th birthday, i came from kak aNie's blog :)
mak su...
terima kasih sudi singgah:)
hepi b'dey kak elle..moga sentiasa vogue
terima kasih yes sentiasa cun dan vogue....hahaha
A very happy birthday to kak elle...and many more to come. are u sure there's no typo here kak? i dont believe it...u look soooo mucchhh younger..
the food look so yummyyy....aaa...and coach bag tu...kelasss gittewww..
eh ada typo error ye? ok ignore the 5 actually its 3...ooops salah....hahaha....dah tua azwa...
eh muka org umur 59 lain ke?
happy birthday kak elle....semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki sihat sejahtera sentiasa...ameen....
thank you very much:)
my email...lattie@starhub.net.sg
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