The last 4 days I've been taking cereals with milk every morning but somehow I am now getting sick of it ..... hehe.... if we are so used to our asian taste nothing can change that rite? So this morning when I was in the kitchen its

not cereal again please .....

I had the above but with ......

my 3 in 1 nescafe ..... can't do without it ...... ok ok those tablets that can be seen are my daily dosage for blood pressure and glucosamine for my joint....
While reading the paper and taking the cereals .... I was thinking of something yummy and since I still have half an hour before my shower .... I began to fight with the utensils and ole ..............

I fried mee goreng ..... and thats my lunch and dinner today .... see kalau nak seribu daya..... hahaha .... the omelette was leftover from saturday.

Close-up .... anyone care to share with me? .....

it looks so yummy ..... burpppppp.
kak elle punya cooking mmg mengancam lah... never fail to make me drool...hehehe...
dlm gambar pun dah nampak sedap...
kak elle,
sedapnya mee goreng tu, bila nak masak untuk saya, he, he....
kat rumah ni mee tak jalan, depa tak suka, nak beli untuk digoreng pun malas. Kat kedai pulak selalunya jumpa mee goreng yang dah lembik dimasak.
tu gambar aje rasa lom tau lagi:)
bila nak dtg nanti akak masak ok...hehe
i pun had mee goreng at mak's house today. i can still share with you if you want me to.. hehehe
kalau dah tekak melayu,mana nak tertelan susu dan cereal tu kak....godaan kat luar ada macam macam lan!
We live in a country that can fulfill our needs so ,makan je laaa hahahhaah
kalau belum kenyang mari lah kita makan sama:)
tu lah tekak kita dah routine makan mcm tu...tak bolih lah nak hidup kat negri omputih...haha
Adoi mak !!
Tie suka mee goreng tu... bagi upah makan cereal pun tak nak laa....tak boleh nak telan... Memang tekak orang melayu..hi hi...
betul tu tekak kita ikut adat resam melayu kan?...hehe
kak elle selalunya gambar mencerminkan rasa... hehe...
selalu tengok makanan2 yg kak elle post dlm blog ni sodap2....esp yang kak elle masak..
bodek sikit ni, mana tahu nanti kalau saya turun ke Spore, kak elle blh jamu saya... ;-D
where are you now?kalau nak dtg kena bagi advance notice ye to polish my cooking...hehehe
ini sudah tidak adil! kenapa mee goreng tu nampak sangat sedap dan perut neeza ni sangatlah laparnya... goreng mee guna spagetti tak sedap kat sini.. orrr.. neeza yang tak reti kot hehee..
'saya nak ,saya nak jugak!' sambil mengangkat tgn dgn ghairah,.melambai2 pd kak elle dan menjeling pd mee itew..hehe.
sungguh tak sedap guna spagetti untuk mee goreng kan?
mee kuning yg kering takde ke disana?
ok nanti saya DHL ye?...hehehe
wah..sempat jugak tu.. :)
cepat dan sedap
kalau yg rengkas bolih setengah jam cukup..cuma defrost udang je.
kak elle, just made pizza for breakfast but looking at your pix, I WANT TO JOIN YOU FOR DEFINITE!!!!
come come ada lagi enough for 4 persons...hehe
kak elle, saya kat KL..
kalau kak elle ke KL, beritahu le, blh saya belanja mee mamak..hehe..
masak tak brapa nak reti...
Kak Elle,
You made me laugh.. I thought iya iya lah Kak Elle ni so health conscious and all that. Tiba tiba PANG! ada mee goreng pulak!!! :D
sure will let u know if I ke KL bagi lah email address...hehe
so sorry lah .... tapi makan tak byk sikit aje bagi kat colleagues makan....tonite I had garlic bread:)...hahaha
mee goreng kak elle punya angkara, malam ni saya makan meehun goreng (leftover from b/fast) dng telur dadar and cili merah potong... oklah, puas jugak hati...heheh...
anyway, when i post this comment, i key in my email id...kak elle blh nampak tak..
anyway, how can i pass you you my email id ? tak nak la org lain tahu saya ni apa... maluuuuuuuuuuuu :-D
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