I am surrounded with care and love by my dear families and friends - syukur alhamdulillah.Phone calls and smses kept coming in asking how I am doing and coping?Thank you everyone I am doing fine.
As early as 8.20am yesterday doc Adah called for my progress and telling me she is coming after 1pm and asking what I want for lunch?...hehehe....told her no need but she insisted and bribing me with JP's famous fish sliced soup...that I cannot resist ... hahahaha
Being her halfday she came aroubd 1.40pm not only with the fish soup but also a box of persimmons knowing I like to eat them.
Thanks Adah you are one in a million can't repay your kindness:)

Adah brought these lovely persimmons .... I forgot to snap our lunch of fried fish soup with bihun......ah if I were to put it up someone in KL will be droolingggggggggg.
Last nite dinner was also provided by my sis Lina and my niece Huda came to keep me company for the night...another thank you to both of them.I was getting hungry at 8pm whilst waiting for Huda to arrive so decide to cook some rice porridge and just as well she only brought the lauk2 and no rice.So I had them with my porridge instead and its yummy.
As early as 8.20am yesterday doc Adah called for my progress and telling me she is coming after 1pm and asking what I want for lunch?...hehehe....told her no need but she insisted and bribing me with JP's famous fish sliced soup...that I cannot resist ... hahahaha
Being her halfday she came aroubd 1.40pm not only with the fish soup but also a box of persimmons knowing I like to eat them.
Thanks Adah you are one in a million can't repay your kindness:)

Adah brought these lovely persimmons .... I forgot to snap our lunch of fried fish soup with bihun......ah if I were to put it up someone in KL will be droolingggggggggg.
Last nite dinner was also provided by my sis Lina and my niece Huda came to keep me company for the night...another thank you to both of them.I was getting hungry at 8pm whilst waiting for Huda to arrive so decide to cook some rice porridge and just as well she only brought the lauk2 and no rice.So I had them with my porridge instead and its yummy.
Salam, as said, what goes round comes around, this is yr harvest time. Alhamdulillah. Keep well.Have a good day.
syukur masih ada yg ingat kan?
cikmilah pun have a nice day ye...
Kak Elle,
Breakfast McD tu sama aje kat USA... Ada pancakes, ada hashbrowns... MsA&E tu memang gila pancakes McD... Kekadang Cath rasa nak mohon aje kerja kat McD kasik dia orang... Hari2 boleh makan pancakes.. Hehe.
Kak...nampak breakfast akak ari ni...hmmmm...sedapnya...
Alhamdulillah ada dr. adah & adik2 yang dpt menjenguk akak di sana....terasa kuranglah rasa tak sihat tu...
Salam tu dr.Adah...
And akak...take care...
everyday mkn McD pun jelak tau...hehehe
tak bolih delivery selalu mahal jugak...tu aje dah S$18/-
insya'allah kalau jumpa adah nnt saya bilangkan.
Kak Elle.. tak tunjuk gambar pun dah drooling ni..
Rehat banyak kak elle.. don't over exert urself
hahaha...tu lah kalau tunjuk gambar melilir kang sampai kat lantai.
Ni rehat byk sangat sampai pening:)
agreed with cikMilah...u deserve it,kak elle.
moga cepat sembuh...there must b someoneSs yg rindu banget ngan auntie missy :)
tak nak ingat anak2 di sekolah lagi pening nanti...hahaha
seronok dengar kakelle dah bertambah sihat. Dunno why porridge is always associated with orang sakit hehehe..it's actually can be eaten anytime kannn..and very yummy too...hehehe
kak elle, i dah siap masak 4 jenis lauk ayam.. meh datang sini makan... or shall i fedex over hehehe. sampai sana basi nanti...
masakan ringkas untuk org sakit sekali2 makan sedap.
I pun ada asst masak today Huda...taught her to cook curry chicken and goreng begedil tup..tup..ngah goreng gas habis ....hehehe
Kak Elle????
Ni macam orang baru balik dari London! Makan macam2! Aren't you suppose to pantang2 sikit apa2 yang patut lepas jumpa doktor? hehehe
Yes! Ada selera kita lanyak je laah.
Menu untuk orang baru sihat ni bukan main yummmynya!
And my name is Huda too!hehe
Alhamdulillah, murah rezeki akak, moga cepat sembuh
ok now I call u Huda bolih?..rezeki dan byk yg sayang saya apa2 di bagi saya makan...hehe
yg pantang cuma gas drinks asal air will be trap and there goes another discomfort.
terima kasih...rezeki jgn di tolak kan?
amboi.. persimmons tu!! menggiurkan betul la rupa dia. apa rasa dia Kak Elle?
seronok jadi Kak Elle, ada orang datang hantar food. Rezeki kan kak..
kak Elle makan ayam masak merah ke? takpe ke kak Elle.. oily kan..
cam mana describe rasa dia ek?saya suka makan persimmons ni neeza
kat sana takde ke?
Takde pantang seme bolih makan except carbonated drinks
wahh...kak elle...sakit2 pun nampak meriah jugak the food...
once a while makan porridge best ehh...teringin pulak i...
orang sakit pun nak makan juga:)
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