Nevermind ok to me today is sunday blues getting up this morning with pain of my left knee actually its at the inner side of the knee.It hurts when I walk so what have I been doing all morning after my breakfast?................lepak habis atas katil ... kejap2 go online...when hungry look for leftover food.

I bought these kuih lopes last sunday from the makcik stall at the market that lot for S$5.00 ... ia bit expensive I should say but then if you were to do it yourself it takes time and may also cost a bit having to boil them for few hours rite?
A close up after removing it from the plastic .... I just need to steam them again for few minutes.

The set come with 2 small packet of gula melaka syrup.

There it is my breakfast today 2 pieces of kuih lopes ... yummy....I still 8 more pcs maybe for next sunday .... hahaha

Just got these photos from my niece Huda taken my camera at the airport when we sent Maria and John off the other night ... this is only from 5 siblings.
John emailed this afternoon to say they arrived safely home and am now zzzzzzzzzz after that long flight.
$5 for 10 is considered okay kot kak.. kalau kat sini, neeza beli kot hehee.. suka sangat kuih lopes.. susah kan nak buat.. nak bungkus daun pisang lagi..
seronok tengok happy family kak elle.. mesti rindu kat 1 of them duduk jauh di States...
kalau beli sekeping pun 50cents jadi untuk sepuluh ok lah kira nya kan?
sekakrang 2 sisters ada kat states..Aini in nEw York meeting and Maria in Texas dah kurang koram...hehe
the kueh lopez looks good..lama nya tak makan...
best kalau dah kumpul ramai2 ni..tapi bila berpisah...sedihlah pulak kan...
hope your knee is much better...take care...
kalau makan pulut bebanyak kang sakit perut.
tentu sekali gembira bila adik beradik dapat berkumpul perpisahan biasa lah menyedihkan.
Tie memang teringin nak buat lopes macam tu. Teringat tengok mak buat masa kecik2 dulu. kena cari daun pisang....
buat jangan tak buat:)
take a rest kak, mesti banyak berjalan dan juga banyak makan, he, he....
saya yang lebih muda ni pun sakit2 badan sebab terlebih berat, he, he....
lopes tu sedap, tapi bila buat susah nak habiskan, saya makan benda manis sikit2 sangat..
ohh hari ni aunty nurse betapa dalam bilik ya.. ermm.. patut ler.. sampai ke kl bau tadi..hehehe
Kak Elle,
Take some rest ya... You have been busy with guest/visitor to your house, so zzzzz bila ada time ya...
Eh, Brother Fandi tu - your BIL yang Cath met the other day, kan..?? Say hi to him for me ya...
Hai Kak Elle...
Masa I tulis ni, your Sunday blues dah over... Wishing you a Marvelous Monday.
Kita boleh start menghitung hari kan, Kak Elle???
feberet tu kueh lopes... biasa kalau teringin beli je.. tak pernah mem buat lagi hehe
tu lah banyak berjalan dan makan2...hahaa
bau wangi 24hrs tau..aircond and fan on juga...hahaha
Fandi is my own brother not BIL...yes you met him that night when he came to collect the nasi lemak and mee goreng.
yes its monday now..hope to be a cheerful one but KL cuti kan?
sekarang semua2 beli aje lah zino tak payah nak sibuk2 buat sendiri kan?
kuih lopez, itu memang I expert buat sebab pernah jual pun, I punya hijau muda sebab guna air daun pandan, buatnya tak susah mana sebab guna style macam yang kak elle beli, rebus sekali je dan bentuk 3 segi tu memudahkan pembuatannya, tak macam style lama yang bentuk bulat, leceh kena masak 2 kali , orang terengganu tak berapa pandai makan lopes, masa jual dulu orang luar je yang pun memang nak buat sebab ada kawan2 yang dah bunyi nak kuih lopes lagi .
oh expert buat lopes ye ok nanti bila buat hantar lah kat sini ye...saya tak lah minat sgt dlam setahun mungkin makan 2-3 kali aje.
never experience Monday blues,to me,everyday is the same,hihi..
rasa macam nk makan kuih lopes lak, pas ni nk cari :)
so shall call it weekly bues eh?haha
ok go cari lopes tu nanti kempunan pulak:)
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