I managed to dish up mee kuah .... how do I find the time to cook? well the minutes I got home at 6.45pm I start to defrost the prawns etc .... get the prawns broth boiling while I start to pound the garlics and chop-chop the veges,tomatoes and fish cake....ole 45 minutes later all done and by the time my guests arrived at 7.30pm the mee was all ready to be eaten.
We chatted whilst eating and we chat about the most top of the town topic thats going on now from A-Z ..... and especially on friendships .... fyi we don't gossip.
Once we are done with our dinner I serve the guests dessert which is ..........
Then I gave Nora the gifts I bought for her new niece from the states and even managed to knit a pair of booties for her last minute. Also ofcourse some goodies for Nora from states ... if you want to know you have to ask her...... hehehe
We could have time for tea if not for Bella as she wants to go to MacD .... usual lah kids bila nak keluar aje MacD ... So Nora has to leave as our friend dah muncunggggggg.....hehehe
I ask Nora last week when she went to JB to get me novels since it is in RM$$$ and she bought for me 3 novels and it is .............
tiga buku tu berapa hari nak habis tu ... tentu dah banyak koleksi kan..
kalau duduk sorang2 dlm my room kat sekolah tiada gangguan anak2 ooish cepat habis tu....hehehe
ooo peminat novel cinta yer,,saya pun ada banyak koleksi...tapi novel jauh dari Aisya Sofea tu best gak..mula mula baca saya namgis gak...
Kak Elle,
I tgk you ni suka melayan tetamu...semuga di murah kan rezeki dan di limpah kan kesihatan yang baik selalu....Aminnnn
Thank you kak for the lovely dinner and gifts.
I am sorry Bella buat hal..muncung jer...if I know I beli dulu McD. Bila dah dapat McD jer...sengeh jer..ceh..budak ni!
Setiap kali masuk blog kak elle ni mesti lapar laa...hu hu.......
Seronoknya dapat jumpa kenkawan kan..dijamu pulak dengan mee kuah yang nampak very yummylicious ittewww...
sambil baca novel makan ice cream...slurrrppp...boleh tak hengat donia dibuatnya hehehe
ohhh.. ada teman malam tadi, taklah sunyikan. ermmm mee sup tu nampak sedap. yummy yummy..
kak ezza...
semenjak 3-4 tahun ni baru berjinak dgn novels melayu skg dah melekat...hehehe
Saya tunggu Ezza mai singapore:)
Thank you for b'day present juag...
hahaha lain kali kena buat mcm tu beli macD dulu biar Bella senyum...hahaha
Hari ni pakai gift tu ke?
lain kali kita makan sama ye?..hehe
sambil baca buku kunyah chocolatesssssss...hahaha
kita makan mee tu bertambah tau asal sedapppppppppp....hahaha
pB belum makan lagi nieeeeee
jom makan sama ...hehehe
Sungguh menyelerakan mee tu dan ice cream ....terliur ni )
Kira exchange gifts lah malam tadi, Alhamdulillah , semoga bertambah erat silaturahim.
Akak, kalau dekat I pun nak drop by...lalalalla . itu mee kuah banyak mengancam.. Kesian Bella, tak ada kawan tu.. :))
Kak Elle .. baca blog nora baru teringat that magnet that kak elle kirim via Cat Cat.. Thanks kak elle.
seronoknya makan berkawan.. mesti tambah selera.. bangun pagi ni.. rasa lapar pulak bila tengok mee kuah tu.. sedapnya laaa.. ice cream tu lepas makan mee memang syiok kan hehee..
neeza macam pernah tengok kat blog someone dia baca buku horizon cinta tu.. dia kata best.
balik malaysia, neeza nak beli banyak novel la :))
sekali2 makan mee kuah ni seronok juga..apa lagi ice cream lagikkkkkkk
kalau jauh nak seribu daya ...hahaha
aha Bella muncung semalam..
you are welcome:)
mee kuah bersoup udang ni syiok tau:)
horizon cinta promoter nya wanmommy.
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