The picture says a thousand words .......... yes little Will gonna a big brother come September....and that means I am going to be a nenek again.If Will was born in the month as his nenek Maria in July his little brother or sister will be born in papa John's September birthday month and its just a coincidence.
I did nothing today but eat and sleep .... I had leftovers of the mamak bihun for breakfast and cili crab for lunch and dinner just fruits.I have enough of leftovers in my fridge for the next few days.
I did all the washing and tomorrow have to do the ironing urggggghhh!! I hate ironing .. HELP.
Do you like ironing?let me do the cooking anytime but NO IRONING PLEASE.
At this moment Maria and John are still onboard and will only arrive in Houston around 3.30am ...just imagine 25 hrs on the plane just like when I travel there in December .... ouch!!
From Houston they still have to drive another 4 hours to Kerville where they live ... can take connecting flight but that means having to stay overnite.Due to jetlag they are going to stay1 nite in Katys and drive back next day as its not safe to drive in that situation.
Ummi is sending her baby over to stay with with for the weekend ... jadi tak ummi?.... hahahaha
till my next entry ..............
tahniah kat keluarga akak...Ada baby comel lagi tak lama lagi ye...:)
I do not like ironing as well tapi sekali sekala gosok selai 2 enjoy jugak..he..he..
ilan tak nak.. camna ni? hahaha.
i tak suka tapi terpaksa buat juga. but sometimes lepas tengok hasil ironing licin and kemas, suka pulak.
yang paling tak suka is basuh tangan and mop rumah... adoi sakit badan dibuatnya.
kenapa kita semua tak suka mengosok eh?
ala kat sana kan ada maids 2 maklang tak yah lah buat tu seme kan?
u punya kan dulu bibik buat seme juga..
yah mopping another job I don't like selalu buat yg depan mata aje...hahaa
saya juga menci ironing.
dah basuh baju, dah asingkan untuk bibik datang menggosok esok.
congrats to Will's family.. nak dapat adik Will kena act like a big brother lah kan hehehh...
neeza tak suka ironing jugak.. yang lain okay but not ironing..
nanti bolih suruh bibik datang rumah I tak selepas gosok baju2 kat rumah you?
cuci ok seme masuk dlm machine...hehe
Pandai papa Will carikan tees yg tertulis tu kan?tapi ntah bila lah saya bolih jumpa baby baru tu pulak.
banyak juga geng yg tak suka gosok baju ye?
Bestnya nak dapat cucu baru Will pun dah besar jugak , sure dia akan happy bila dapat adik.
Between coking and ironing, I prefer ironing, tak payah nak basuh dan kemas barangan yang diguna masa memasak..hehehe.
cucu baru nanti ntah bila bolih jumpa salangkan Will 18 bulan baru berjumpa:)
You suka mengosok baju??ok kita buat barter trade u gosok I masak...hehe
wow..another cute-mute baby to be born in ur family sis,congrats!
sy pun tak suka sgt gosok baju,masak etc takper,...sy siap bgtau hubby be4 kawin that i reallly dun like ironing.tp,masa masa 1st pregnancy jer sy suka menggosok...suka bau the hot iron..hehe.
yah new addition soon cuma tak leh nak cium bau baby dr sini.
Suka mengosok eh nnt I hantar all my laundry to you ye:)
seronot la Will nak dapat adik ek..
Azwa tak suka bab lipat kain dan iron mengiron...tapi terpaksa la juga buat huhuhu
Orait, beres.. biar I gosok baju, lepas tu dapat nyum nyum... kalau lah duk dekat memang jadi barter sistem ni..hehehe.
terpaksa kan?kalau tak ada yg pergi sekolah nanti...hehehe
jom pindah rumah sebelah...
tapi kalau u buat lamb chop tu I nak ngendeng sikit bolih?
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