Today the students celebrate valentines day roses were sold @ $2.50 by the students council at the canteen with balloons and all.
This afternoon at 2.30pm I was given a stalk of rose by ehem..ehem.. rahsia....hahaha

Aunty nurse and her stalk of rose ..... dapat juga:) tapi yg ummi365 lempar dr KL tak sampai pulak ...

I also received this mail at 3pm from Dodie ... thanks D ... cantik.

A thank you card of her own creation ....

and also this beautifully done framed picture of both of us during her stay in December before I went to the states.

Well D your card is amongst my collections on the wall in my sick bay so I can see it for 8 hrs a day.

Anyone out there want to place an order of cards and crafts the contact is above ... feel free to call or email her ok .... D ada commission tak tolong promote kan?....hahaha
wah so comel tuh... betullah dodie memang has got crafty hands.. i love her design .. and i love her pink room... well done dodie..
kak elle.. tulah lain kali.. bila ummi kata sambut cepat2 sambut tau, kan orang lain dah sambar hahaha.
yah she is very good and artistic her creations are top and must make it copyrite so others cannot copy and dapat nama.
Ummi nak jadi shooter tapi tangan pendek sgt macam mana nak sampai....hahaha
oh,so..touching beb..
Ummi365: tq so much for ur compliment. Appreciate ur tots bout my pink studio.
Kak incredible. Actually i was thinking to make a valentine card..but it turn to be "sweet memories" card. I bet ur wall will look more alive now!
yes my wall is so alive now as I have the loved ones photos:)
takpe D what you send is good enough afterall rose dah dapat pun...haha
zino rasanya tak pernah bagi bunga kat sesape termasuk mem hehe..
Bila terpandang rose tu, terus teringat rose pertama Tie terima...dari orang yang Tie benci...kelakar pulak!!
Cantik hiasan tu...Tie ni langsung tak kreatif pun...masa study dulu, dinding sendiri di tampal dengan jadual je...sedangkan roomates semua buat macam kak elle tu...jelesnya...
Kak Elle, yang kak teh tiup dari London sampai tak? Terlekat dalam snow kut! Have a wonderful day.
esok break kan record tu belikan mem bunga on valentines day...hehe
akak suka decorate kat wall just above my desk...
kak teh...
alamak kak teh cam mana nak sampai sini kena lempar kuat2 lain kali ye...hehehe
sukanya dapat roses.. neeza ni nak dapat roses, tunggu students aje bagi. sekarang tak kerja takde sape nak bagi huhuuuu.. hehee..
kak elle.. nampak sangat muda lah dalam gambar dengan Rose tu.. soft skin.. jeles gitu.. ;)
rose tu one of the teachers bagi...hehe
neeza in 2 wks I will be a year older mana ada soft skin dah tua.
hahahaa..mas pun kena dpt commision gak..sbb kalau mas tak kenalkan dia kat kak elle...kak elle pun tak leh promote dia...hehehehhe
tu mas kena negotiate dgn dodie lah....hehehe
Amboi amboi Kak Elle... Rupa2nya ada secret admirer ya... Eh, gambar Kak Elle in black dress tu cun lah... Love your dress.
secret admirer a plenty .... hahaha
kan I dah cakap, lepas dapat coklat dr secret admirer minggu lepas, mesti ada org kasi ros lepas ni..kan betul nujum mak belalang I...
Dah visit blog Dodie..ish..terpesona I. Congrats...
Amboi-amboi dapat bunga lagi...bertuah sungguh...dari sapa?
pandai nujum pak belalang tu eh...chocs dah,bunga dah next cake ye?hahaha
yes dodie very good and neat in her work.
secret admirer..rahsia...hehehe
Sapa pulak yang kasi roses kat you elle? Ehem..ehem yang mana pulak bie. Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day.
one of the teachers lah mana ada admirer dah tua kot...hehe
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