I had too much of mandarin oranges over 3 wks and it accumulates the acid and instead of going down it reflux back into my esophagus causing blockage and the air got trap in my chest wall....it is a lesson learnt so now have to go slow lahhhhh....

I was up early so went to the market after 3 wks eventhough I don't cook daily but just love to stock things and I don't have to go till another 2-3 wks later.Managed to buy chicken,mince meat.beef.prawns,fish and nick nacks.......glad to know the ppl at the market do miss everyone asking 'lama tak nampak?'....hehehe....Today I bought stuff for my youngest sis Aini also so my trolley was really full.
On the way back I saw a new makan place just opposite my place a muslim small eating joint selling good breakfast yummy food and also saw rojak buah but too early for that so I bought the above vadai...its been a long time since I last had that and the texture and taste is nice too .... last time we can get that for $1 for 3 but now its 50cents each.
After cleaning all the stuff and put in freezer I decide to cook .........
and to all my readers a bunch of

black pepper beef tu kenapa lah di close up kan... hehe menyelerakan hehe
hehe lagi dekat tengok lagi nak terliur eh?nanti suruh lah mem masak ye?
Thanks for the wish, Alhamdulillah saya dah semakin segar dan sihat.
Akak juga take care ye !!
alhamdulillah for the health..alhamdulillah for the food...alhamdulillah also for having the opportunity to know someone like u sis....take care kak elle d vouge.
rajinnya kakakku sorang ni. bak sini sikit. i havent gone to buy my weekly grocery, therefore I havent started cooking for the week. bad eh.. vit M tu banyak sangatlah sekarang ni.
Waah! Nakal betul bunyi Kak Elle today..so chirpy and busy as a bee..teasing everybody with very tender greetings etc.
K.E! Watch your cholestrol! Habis semua dia tibam! hahaha
alhamdulillah bertambah sihat .. baik2 ye Anuar dah balik kan hari ni?apa2 sms ye..
thank you alhamdulillah betambah sihat saya...dan thank u for being there too:)
yes today ter-rajin lah...last week tersakit so its payback time
yes I am feeling happy today:)
till now cholestrol maintain good mamasita.
kak, cucur udang itu sangatlah menggoda, abislah diet hari ni, macam nak buat je.
semalam makan BBQ beef di Restoran siam.. tapi pelik betul rasanya. Nampak blackpepper beef kak Elle.. sangat lah melaparkan perut.. nak buat selalu aje tak jadi. Orang buat jugak yang sedap makan.. hehee..
Kak Elle dah sihat dan boleh makan semua ni ke? Jaga diri dan perut ya Kak Elle..
get well soon...!!! jangan makan limau banyak2 lagi ya..
oh the food, saya nak banyaaaakkkkk...!!! lapar ni...!!! kak elle ni suka buat perut saya ggrrrrr..... drooling, drooling..!!!
rajinnya kak elle masak on sunday.. tak macam kita hari ni...datang mood malas pulak..tapi kejap lagi nak buat puri cicah sardin pasal perut dah lapar nie...hehehe..anyway kak elle, next time jgn makan mandarin orange banyak2 lagi...i've heard it's not really good...tahun ni i phobia terus nak makan coz someone forwarded a pic of mandarin orange to my email.. inbetween the saps ada white maggots...eiii...terus i tak beli langsung this year...so becareful!!
apasal semuanya nampak sedap jer tu kak elle,oi?? alamak, terliur dah ni..sluuuurp!!!
great to hear that u're doing fine back there! take care tau!
I had 2 of that this morning ...sedappppp.
senang aje nak buat black pepper beef tu...
Insya'allah sihat neeza bab berani makan ni semua:)
jom kita mkn sesama....hehehe
my 2 sisters came and we ate together with the families...syiok once ina while mkn ramai2 kan?
yes limit intake of mandarin oranges in future.
kalau lapar jom mai sini kita makan sama2:)
insya'allah almost back to normal:)
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