As soon as I arrived I was registered and paid $75 upfront and was assessed by a nurse with my complains.I was then brought to the daycase ward where ECG for the heart was done,blood sample taken for test and chest xray too.On arrival my blood pressure was high and they monitored me for almost 2.5 hrs while waiting for the results.
Alexandra Hospital was where I did my trainning and I told the staff that I used to work there before long before they were born ..... hehe .... The doctor on duty came and got all my complains and history noted .. a pleasant young man indeed when he realises that I am a nursing staff he took the blood sample himself instead of the nursing staff ...and I told him I only have ONE GOOD vein he can sucks from!! yes when you are obese all the veins are hidden under that pile of fats.
The ECG for the heart is normal 'thank god' and so is the chest xray and cardiac enzyme *phew*...but the tightness is still there .......
My main worry actually is having PE (pulmonary embolism) thats a blood clot in artery in my leg due to long flight to and from states....common on long flight.I told the doctor about my worry and he makes extra examination on that as we have history in the family my arwah father.It maynot show immediate but I am taking no chances .......
I have to monitor my blood pressure and if its still high next few days I may have to change to higher dose of medication .... am keeping my fingers crossed that it will come down.After final examination I finally was discharged at 2.45pm with medications and 2 days of medical leave to rest.
Thank you dear friends who commented in the last entry and thank you for being there for me.
To kak teh who sms all the way from London thank you too and not forgetting cikmilah,ummi365 and norabella for your smses too.
You are always in my thoughts too

ahh glad you are back home. please please do take a lot of rest ya. gonna miss you for the next few days..
I will be around maybe online too kalau boring sangat baring aje:)
Syukur sangat2!
Kak elle kena banyak berehat....hmm...kalau ada orang yang boleh datang mengurut sikit2, tentu best kan bila sakit2 begini...
mmg tolong hantarkan tukang urut bolih?..
ya 2-3 hari nak rest betul2
Alhamdulillah.. it's not as bad as what you've thought..
jangan lupa makan ubat ya kak elle.. rehat tau.. blogging boleh kalau dah makan ubat ya :)
get well soon..
yes misi neeza saya akan makan ubat dah rehat sepenuh nya:)
Alhamdulillah auntie nurse dah sihat. bila obes semua vein sembunyi ye, ngeri betul bila nak ambil darah, sana sini lebam, he, he.....
belum sihat 100% tapi lega bila test jantung tu normal...masih short of greathe at times.
Alhamdulillah, glad to hear that ECG and cardiac enzyme are both clear. Get well soon..
Hai Kak Elle.
Memang kita ramai yang malasnya nak exercise sebab banyaknya benda lain dalam our daily timetable.
However everyday or a few times per week kita mesti do it.Oooh Kak Elle..bukan you sorang je.We all ramai yang berlapis2 lemak.Exercise as much as you can ye? hehehe
I exercise baru2 ni je.Dulu malasnya!
alhamdulillah all investigation so far normal maybe betul kata doc adah either acid reflux or muscular..
tu lah everyday kata nak mula tapi tak bergerak...always tomorrow but tomorrow tu ntah bila kan?
syukur alhamdulillah...
Good to hear that there is nothing serious..Maybe penat terkumpul tak? Since balik US tu I don't think you actually have had enough rest.
So put your feet up and rest well!
ya Allah..terkezut sy baca N3 nie,i missed the last N3...alhamdulillah nothing take care ye kak elle...hv a nice rest.u should know better...kalau tak nnt doktor marah,babab dia..hehe.
moga cepat sihat seperti biasa,ye kak elle!!
Kak Elle, I just got around to reading about this. Please please get enough rest and take care. I think you have been busy and active mengalahkan someone half your age!
Do take care.
Syukur Kak Elle. All is well. Take some rest when you can ya...
syukur alhamdulillah.
Terima kasih
Yes maybe I am tired...
These 2 days of MC I amke sure I just be cleopatra..hehe
alhamdulillah I feel better now...
as we get older more and more problems seem to sip in rite?
All I need is good rest:)
yes I will be taking good rest on MC
TQ and alhamdulillah.
Kak Elle, Have a good rest ok? Take care.
yesall taken care...Adah coming buying lunch too:)I have caring friends around.
no sinister really but me just wondering why or rather how did ya collected those fatty tissue knowing that the healthy/medical is no alien to ya?
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