I think rugby is the most rough game where the boys got tackled ,fell and attack by opponents team.You should see the injuries they sustained abrasions every where and some even end up with broken bones.Today 3 of them have shoulder injury and 1 of them Jonathan even had a dislocation of his left shoulder.One with right wrist injury and another foot injury.
Johsua Griffiths getting his massage ......
and here's another Joshuo and this time its Joshuo Dhalberg turn .... ni satu bising sekali tak tahan sakit bila di picit ..... hehehehe
The team physiotherapist Ms Lynn Teoh giving them physio and checking on their injuries ..... can you imagine the howls they made in my room ...
Tomorrow they have a big match so they have to be in tip top condition since 2 will be out of action due to injuries....and I have to prepare their medical kit.

Our C boys was champion last year these are the under 14 yrs old .....
Thats my dinner tonite managed to dish up mee kuah with balance of the mee .... slurpppppppp and burppppppp....... hahahaha
till my next entry............
Rugby memang rugged kak :)
On Doubt: Rambut manusia
pun dah tak sama hitam sekarang kak.. inikan pulak hati manusia.
mmg ganas rugby game ni...patah tulang:)
Mmg adat mulut manusia ni susah nak tutup kan?
anak saya nampak je lasak tapi tak berani masuk rugby, yang best tu kawan2nya ketot2 je, itulah hero dalam rugby, senang menyelit.
mee akak tu nampak sedap je, dengan bawang goreng lagi, kalau kat rumah ni, tak jalan, nak yang pedas aje.
saya tak makan pedas...suka soupy2 punya.
Sedap tengok mee kuah tu - boleh share resipi? Saya suka makan yang ber-soup2 ni..
Pasal previous entry...*sigh*
tengok muka Joshua tu dapat rasa betapa peritnya sakit dia kena massage.. hehe.. neeza pulak yang terasa sakitnya..
kak Elle.. mengancamnya mee kuah tu.. nak sikit boleh? ;)
Ouch, mesti tersangat-sangat sakit!! Kena attack, tackle, jatuh tunggang-langgang. They say football (soccer) is a gentleman's game played by beasts, rugby is a bestial game played by gentlemen, and (American) football a bestial game played by beasts. Hehehe.
Kak...anak anie si Munir dulu pun main rugby...naik seram fikirkan cara permainan tu...tapi dah jiwa dia jiwa sukan...kalau dihalang pun dia nak main jugak...
aduhhhhh.... sakit tu terpeleot agaknya..
You punya mee ada banyak udang and crabsticks? Tak bolehlah..banyak kolestrol! no no no! hehe
Recipe mee kuah senang je..
bawang putih di tumbuk,tumis dgn sedikit minyak,masukkan udang bila udang dah kemerahan masukkan air,fish cake and white pepper,garamn secukup rasa dan bila mendidih add sayur,crab stick and last mee kuning.
never have doubts on others:)
mmg bolih rasa sakit nya tapi Lynn is so good that the boys kata after she treated them from 9 now they feel 2-3 the pain.
nak banyak mee tu pun bolih mai lah.
betul tu beast vs gentlemen...hehehe
kalau dah boys tu mmg kena main lah lasak2 punya games kan?
apa tak asyik kena rembat dgn opp team mereka kata budak2 team lain tu besar2 mcm 18 yrs old:)
lagi banyak benda2 tu lagi uummmppphhh!!...hahaha
Sesungguhnya....mmg sedap mee sup Kak Elle. I tak faham sukan rugby ni..
lain kali kita jumpoa bolih hidangkan lagi:)
suker tengok udang tuuuuu.....yummieehh! :p
suka tengok aje ke...hahaha
teringat masa time college dulu,suka tgk the ruggers...haha..macho n lasak..kui kui(jgn kandaku baca ni udah..hehe)
oh itu kerja nya ye tengok org main rugby...hahaha
hello sis...ermm busy ya? mesti bising kan your room with the kids. nama pun budak2kan.
tapikan i tak boleh tahan bila bising..mungkin sebab dah tua kot hehehe
smlm busy hari ni pun bad injury..dah bilang recess time gi lah makan ..budak2 main soccer dah tu nak dive for the ball ..bola tak dapat shoulder terkeluar soket...satu kerja dah tu meraung dlm sick bay....
urghhh.. dislocated? wow sakit tu.. ermm rugby kan kasar.. main rembat and rebut je and dive lagi.. i can feel the pain..
his mom just called to inform me they saw the cbhinese physician and managed to pull it back...but nerves and muscles also involved..
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