My sisters Aini and Ram came to visit me today and I received an early birthday gifts from Aini .... I am sure you can guess by looking at the box below .......

A Coach box so definately a coach bag lah........

Taraaaaaaaa oh another small box again besides the wrapped coach bag .... oolala........

A leather coach sling bag ........

and a coach cards holder .... wow!!!

surprise indeed but its not my birthday yet......hahaha ......
Thank you Aini for the lovely gifts.
Little Adriana also brought gift for me .... see her cute handwriting .... well she is only 5 yrs old.

Crabtree and Evelyn foot therapy and body wash .....

Adriana wak love you too.
My collections of coach bags are expandinggggggggg.
Not forgetting here's wishing Tulipurple and her kanda......

Alhamdulillah nampaknya kesihatan akak dah back to normal.
Thanks for yr wish on the last entry. oh la la.. another coach!
alhamdulillah almost 100%:)
yes oolala another coach bag...hehehe
peeeeeeeeewwwiiitttt... wak you are the love of your sisters and niece..
happy birthday to you.. i know its early.. tapi saje je nak wish early.. tak boleh ke? tak boleh i tarik balik eh..
Kak Elle,
Kalau nak ikut protokol, on the day itself you have the right to get another present from your sister tau! hehe!
Happy Birthday, Sis. Semuga sihat selalu :)
seronoknya dapat early birthday gifts... coach bags lagi tu. Tapi kan kak Elle, neeza tak pernah pakai coach tau. jangan gelak ya.. mengaku betul-betul ni.. baru2 ni je neeza tahu sangatlah mahalnya coach bags ni..
rezeki kot...smilingggggggggg...
yes I know I'm being loved by them...
thank u for the early wishes..ku terima dgn gembiraaaaaaaaaaaa
Dear Kak Elle, i bet u hv alot of bags, i am such a hantu bag and shoes ; ) B is keeping a close watch on my bag collection hehehe so everytime i get a new one i hv to give one old one up! Those coach bag/card holder looks so great! So lcuky u Kak Elle, your family loves u so dearly! Enjoy your gift and hv a good working week ahead.
thanks for reminding me:)
mmg mahal neeza coach bags ni kalau kat sg lagi mahal...bab tu beli kat states cheaper.
yes I ahve a collections and I do give away the older ones.
thanks for wishes mush.
Happy birthday kak elle..
Moga ceria2 selalu.. moga panjang umur. sihat dan dimurahkan rezeki..
fuiyooo...another coach bags.i loveee sling bag,nicee.nnt i applykan utk kak elle jd duta coach ek...vouge gitu!oolala...
tq for the wish also...malu i,ihiks'.
Kak Elle,
Wah, dah dapat early bday present ya... Eh, bila bday Kak Elle..??
Ohh nice gift! Hey I didn't even know you had another blog I thought the recipe was your only blog lol well now I know!!
Yes I was in Hawaii last week. I have lived there for 12 years but currently in Ashland Oregon will be here for another 7 or 8 months and back to Hawaii. Oh I went to the polynesian center 2x over the years living there its pretty nice!
thank you for the wishes:)
bertambah lagi koleksion ku...hehehe
been getting too many early presents..hehe
my birthday this friday 27th.
really you didn't know my daily happenings is my main blog...haha
ok next time if ever I go down to big island will let you know.
Kak...bestnya dapat Coach lagi. As for me, I kena stop dulu beli....this year alone dah berapa banyak...tapi if you lelong yours...let me know ok?
Glad that you are doing fine.
bestnya dpt early birthday presents.... its like celebrating your birthday twice in a year ...hehe. How cool is that?
Happy Birthday!!!
musim bag coach:)
ok nanti I buat garage sale on bags...hehehe
bukan 2times a year everyday my birthday...hahaha
how are you my dear lama tak nampak?
kak elle,
wah birthday lama lagik tapi hadiah dah banyak coming in...bertuah kak kan. itu lah org kata, kalau orang yang penyayang dan pemurah, orang lain pun akan bersikap sama terhadap kita...
baguslah akak dah sembuh..
ku tak pinta tapi di beri:)alhamdulillah dan syukur kepada nya.
Kak...alhamdulillah...ramai yang menyayangi akak...dan adik2 bermurah hati menghadiahkan apa yang mereka tau jadi idaman akak...
Byk dah koleksi coach akak ni...heheheh....
skg dah terlebih pulak bag coach tu...hehehe
alhamdulillah masih ada yg sayang kan?
Kena buat satu almari khas untuk hadiah ni... so cute semua hadiah awal tu :)
almari tak cukup mungkin kena sewa bilik...hehehe
waduh coach beg tu, cantik sangat, bestnyer dapat adiah
rezeki jgn di tolak:)
kak elle, maybe you need a coach to keep the coaches?? ;)
only the deserved will deserve good gifts! murah rezeki...
maybe kena sewa container...hahaha
Alamak !!
Birthday presents dah sampai dulu !!
Bestnya.... Tie rasa mesti penuh almari 'bag' kak elle tuh !
hahaha rahsia.....
bestnya kak elle dapat Coach bag...sure smiling from ear to ear...haaaa.kalau dah penuh alamri with the coach bag, apa kata buat
sale auction kat dalam blog...I'll make sure i'll be the first person to grab one of it... :-))
hehe auction sale kena tunggu 1-2 yrs later:)
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