They were there earlier so all the food below were ordered prior to our arrival .... compliment to Saat and Ram ....

kerang rebus,satay,ikan pari bakar and rojak taupok but didn't take the pictures of my kway teow goreng and beef steak too busy makaning....hahahaha .... I shared my kway teow goreng with John .. if you see the ikan bakar there's a small serving of cincaluk but none of us has ever tried it and we were trying asking John to make the move .... anyway I dip the chopstick into it and tried ... yucks!! so sour ,saltish and bau belacan ..... urggggghhhhhh
Tomorrow nite we going for dinner again and hope to have murtabak at Victory opp the Sultan Mosque.....yum..yum....
makan lagi...sedapnyaaa....
Alamak Kak Elle, looking at your satay - Cath baru ingat, I miss sore' (read: eat) satay while we were in Malaysia... Aiseyman...!!!
ingat nak datang East Coast Malaysia tadi...
the food looks really yummy...
Fuh..sungguh menyelerakan...ada part 2 pulak harini eh? Nanti I gi sana jadi mamarazzi...intai orang makan Murtabak...ha..ha.
kalau ke east coast malaysia mesti habaq...hehehe
jom join sekali...choices lom pasti either victory or chai chee c-food:)I belanja this time.
yummm yummmy.. itu cencalok manyak best lorr...
Kak Elle sakura suka kerang rebus tu....lama dah tak makan!!
Eh...napa kerangnya putih, eh??
jom gi makan sama2:)
cat cat...
so dapat makan satay tak kat KL?
yucks!! its horrible that cincalok lah...hehehe
Kak Elle .. sya yang org Melaka ni pun amat jarang sekali menyentuh cincaluk
nanti beli kerang and masak ok:)
di cuci ngan chlorox tak...hahaha
itu cincalok banyak horrible lah..tak akan sentuh lagi...ueekk!
tapi John kata ok...hehe
nampak gayanya tak dapat lar hadiah dari kak elle..
hu hu hu
akak ,
putih nyer kerang tu ??
Camner cuci??
pb, i was about to ask kak elle the same question..
how did the kerang get to be so clean and white....?
depa cuci pakai clorox ke...? hehe..
pB and Prima...
kerang2 tu ia lah kerang pelihara in fresh water!!!
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