Big coach and small coach bags ..... at someone request here are my coach bags in my possession up to now.....last year during my last birthday as you can remember I received 3 bags 2 from Aini and Kam and another from Maria.

The above 5 pieces
I repeat 5 bags big and small ..........all of the above....I just snap the pictures half an hour ago see the price tags still there ..... and today I proudly use the big one to work ..... hehehehe
Maybe one day I may put these up for sales .... do you think I can get a buyer????? so keep watch on this space ya .....
the first one to comment will be the winner so remember keep coming back.

This year I receive 2 more of coach bags from Aini only last week as an early b'day gift ..........
I can't seem to find the handbag picture but you can refer to last year entry somewhere in march '08......hehehe
This is from my nephew Rudi who bought for me during his work trip to states sometimes in september/october '08 I am yet to use it .... dunno when?????
During my holiday in December/January I had the opportunity to grab a few of them again during a ONE day sale ..... otherwise wouldn't dream of getting them .... too expensive!!!
The above 5 pieces

Maybe one day I may put these up for sales .... do you think I can get a buyer????? so keep watch on this space ya .....

This year I receive 2 more of coach bags from Aini only last week as an early b'day gift ..........
I may need to rent a room to store my coach bagss.......hahahaha
amboihhh, nak buka online butik pulak? siapa nak jaga clinic tu? ha, ha...
kak elle..kalau rasa2 macam dah boring, passing2 la kat kitaorg yg eyeing je nie...hehehe...
Aha KakElle, kalau nak buka boutique on line tu.. don't worry.. sambutan mesti hangat ke tak coach ke mesti sold out punya...hehe
Kak...anie nak booking yang dlm gambar no. 4 tu...suka design dia...
Kalau nak buat sale jgn lupa anie ye...hehehhe...
bolih kan online sale? sickbay bolih tutup...hahaha
kak Elle, saya ni tengok aje lah dengan air liur meleleh.... droolingg... tak mampu den nok boli...!!!
Pakai beg yang "branded" tapi beli kat Padang Besar atau kat Golok...! hehehe... bila dah rosak/koyak...buang jek... tak rasa ralat sebab murah...
p/s: Kak Elle tak nak beli buttons ke...untuk jahit baju?
nak jugak ye ok tunggu lah garage sale ye...hahaa
nak book juga ke?ok nnt saya sms kalau nak buat sale ye:)
beli jgn tak beli tau...hehe
wah anie pilih yg besar sekali ye...nnt cik abg marah asyik beli bag aje...haha
beli lah yg original tahan lama kalau koyak hantar kat agent dia...
button saya tak guna lah azzah...insya'allah kalau nak saya contact ye:)
banyak nya koleksi kak elle hehe
ermmmm.... mana satu ya?
kak Elle kena buat 1 closet special for the coaches hehee.. bestnya ada banyak handbags, boleh tukar-tukar guna. Yan lagi best tu sebab orang bagi kan. Kalau beli sendiri rasa sayang pulak duit.
psstt.. cam ni kena selalu jenguk la.. mana tahu dapat hadiah first commeneter hehehh..
uishh...tawaran hebat..kalu takde tempat,sy bleh kasi bilik satu kat umah sy nie for storage..FOC..*wink-wink*
sy nak book gak kalu ada stock clearance!huhu
Wah wah wah... Boleh buka kedai Bag Coach ni... I'm impressed!
can't afford one,even the smallest one... *pouts* :(
uwaaa... coach bags collection kak elle memang menarik, tertarik i...kalau buat sale online jgn lupa war2kan yaa...hehehe
Hu hu.....Tie suka yang 3rd tu...nampak simple tapi elegant...adoi...geram betul...
jangan tunjuk mem nanti kena pergi shopping...hehee
kenapa ermmm... dah hilang seme apa nak komen ye...haha
hahaha...almari kat rumah cukup...cuma baju2 kena lelong nampak nya...
kalau nak buat 1st commentor kena masuk 1st untuk 1 bulan...hehe
nak sewa sampai KL adoiiiiii...hahaa
blih jadi reps for coach kan?
kena beli tunggu masa sales...kalau tak mmg tak mampu juga:)
wokie kalau nak jual saya announce ye:)
jangan geram2 gi beli...haha
Byk nya bag kak elle....... kasi saya satu la kak elle..... hihihi
separuh tu present yg akak beli cuma 5 aje masa pergi states end of the year.
kak elle,
ermmm tu sebenarnyg tengah dok memilih mana satu i nak. couldnt make up my mindlah..semuanya cantik.
ummi... kata ada meeting????
kalau betul betul on sale, bagitau nyer ...
cam ni kena hook up dengan internet 24 hours la.. nak make sure jadi 1st commentator for 1 month hehehee...
tak senang nak dapat barangan coach kan?...hehehe
boleh jual dah collection akak ni :)
wanmommy nak beli ke?....hehehe
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