goodbye and hope to see you again soon.
I left work earlier by an hour so that I can spend more time with them before the leave and on my way home I bought the followings as they haven't had time to try them yet since they were here ........
Yes I bought them from my mamak stall in my neighbourhood .... rojak india,bihun goreng and kway teow goreng mamak style.It has been a while since I too had them and the minute I got home I ate them ...so sedapppp.
My bil Kam came to fetch us at around 7.45pm to go to the airport eventhough the flight is not till 2.15am(sat) as he wants to treat again so we ended at Fish & Co and again we makan small bites .....

then I took it from her and snap her too ..... hehehe

Adriana's kiddie fish and chips .... she was hungry and finish them all .....

Adriana's kiddie fish and chips .... she was hungry and finish them all .....
Since we already had an early dinner of the mamak stuff we shared this sea food platter ....

My bro Fandi and family joinned us an hour later at 10pm and we headed to ya kun for kopi and roti kaya(breakfast)....hahahaha
Lina and family joinned us at 11 plus and we sat till midnight and once John and Maria has checked in we waved goodbye and left for home and by time I got home it was past 1am.
The house seem so quiet when I got up this morning and this is what its going to be till I have my next guests........
But Ram who hasn't had her dinner yet ordered this salmon dish ............
My bro Fandi and family joinned us an hour later at 10pm and we headed to ya kun for kopi and roti kaya(breakfast)....hahahaha
Lina and family joinned us at 11 plus and we sat till midnight and once John and Maria has checked in we waved goodbye and left for home and by time I got home it was past 1am.
The house seem so quiet when I got up this morning and this is what its going to be till I have my next guests........
oit.. dreaming apa tu..jari tu kuis jerawat eh...
Ajak Nadia and Nana sleep-over lagi ya, tak la sunyi...
Have a good weekend kakElle...mmmmuahhhsss
kulit muka halus no jerawat...hehe...ntah lah lagi mengelamun pulak si Adriana snap tu:)
Nadia?sape tu?
u too have a good weekend.
Sedeh tengok akak sedih..
Take care yer...
Start knitting semulalaa...jadik tak lah rasa lonely..kan ada banyak yarn yang Qisst kasi ari tu...
Aduh Kak Elle, I miss the comfort of your house... We had a great time there... Aduh, rindunya.... And also your nasi lemak...~!!!! Huhuhu~
yarn yg qisst hantar tu untuk machine knitting tebal2 susah nak mengait nya...qisst tau tentang tu tapi ada juga bagi yg 4ply kena tunggu mood megait dtg balik...hehehe
come again soon ye and make this house lively with kids around.
amboi makanan tu hehe nampak sedih je tu..
Food platter tu sungguh menyelerakan... saya pun rasa sedih , tak peada rezeki jumpa lagi dengan Maria and John...semoga selamat perjalanan pulang.
sedeh lah ntah bila dapat bersama lagi macam tak puas walaupun saya bersama mereka di US 3 minggu dan di sini 2 minggu...
pasal dah makan rojak india tak bolih nak makan sea food platter tu cuma amek some crawfish dan satu big prawns aje.
insya'allah ada rezeki saya ke states lah nampak nya...?bila????
moga kak elle ceria selalu dan akan dtg tetamu2 yg lain membawa rezki barakah pada kak elle :)...i think u better start knitting mcm maklang said.
Kak Elle,
sunyi balik rumah kak elle ni...jom la cuti cuti kat KL pulak!!
hehe akak ok lah jgn susah hati ye?
kak ezza...
cuti bolih amek masa cuti sekolah sahja...lama lagi tu.
InsyaAllah ada lagi tetamu akan menyusul tu. Have a great weekend kak.
thank u di atas sokongan tu ye:)
sedihnya adik and bil dah balik ke States semula.. takpelah kak.. nanti ada guest lain pulak datang..
akan meriah semula rumah akak.
sedapnye rojak mamak.. sini takde lah pulak..
ni lah back to sq one again...sepi aje rumah ni..kalau tak tiap mlm ada juga teman berbual.
makan, makan and makan je Kak Elle ni!!! Hehehe... pastu share gambar dengan orang pulak - it's not the same as sharing the food, okay??!! Auwww.. the mamak stuffs are really making me drool early this saturday morning la. and yelah, don't think i can say no to that seafood platter (aah, now i'm dreaming of seafood..)
take care kak elle! and don't forget to exercise. hehehehe...
oohhh kakak ku sedih ya... sorry ya tak dapat teman kan...or shall i send your bf over? i am sure she love your cooking hahaha sebab dia pandai ambik hati orang.
semalam dia kata kat nenek dia, "nenek buat nasi goreng sedap, nanti ilan nak makan lagi". Nenek kata kat rumah nenek non-stop eating. Eh ummi dia masak tak sedap ker?
i hantar dia naik bas kul 8 ke sampai midnight ok?
makan nak hidup tau ... kalau tak makan tido gaya nya kan?hehehe
ait bf I tu pandai memuji ye?ok I tunggu this end let me know which coach he's taking...hahaha
Kak elle, kalau Tie ke singapore, boleh tak belanja makan macam tu?? Lama tak makan makanan mamak ni...kat ganu kurang sket...
insya'allah bolih...bila tu nak datang?
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