Carousel .............

yes carousel but not this kind of carousel yg pusing2 tau but ............

the one you have to make reservation otherwise the waiting Q is like the one above .......

The set up in carousel ........ its halal restaurant kepunyaan Sultan Brunei ......

some of the things they serve at the buffet ........... tapi I tak minat sushi bau habis ..........

heaven just look at these chocolates ............. hmmmm....... yg ni kena beli not included ...... hehe....
for update and pictures check again later this evening and see all the amount of food I am going to eat ..................... and who else will be there......
Nak ikut..nak ikut! boleh lah...
jom kita jumpa ...
more food again... huhuhu...jelesnya...nak itot jugakk... hehehe
good info kak elle..klu tak tak tahu pong restoran nie kepunyaan sultan brunei hehe
nak ikut juga ...jom I tunggu you...hehe
amboi..kak elle...
coti sakan nampak!
meriah betul hidup ni kak!
maklum lah cuti kan?kalau duk rumah boring jugak baik jln2 cuci mata....hahaha
Auuuhhhh can pengsan tengok all thatfood, especially the chocolates! Hope you have a great time, Kak Elle.
those chocs are expensive tau2 lah hotel arte kan?
but yummylicious food wait till I put up an n3 on that tonite insya'allah.
First time dengar word tu.. pandai yek diorang umpan.. pergi makan then jamu mata chocolate.. tapi kena bayar lain heheh...
Mengancam coklat tu semua... manis,manis ...daku ada kencing manis :(
dah tau kan lain kali mai sg tau mana nak tuju kan...haha
yes manisan tak bolih makan ye:)
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