Well after lunch today our gourmet class cordinator came to me and said " nurse elle I need your help to do a class sometimes"...oh was all I can answer her...
then she continues and say I have the ok from the top already.... and guess what my dear friends ?????
She wants me to hold a class for students and some teachers on cooking ... well we don't have domestic science class whatever but once a week a volunteer parent will come and demostrate to students as CCA how to prepare and cook some dishes and now I've requested to do the same.
Here come cikgu aunty nurse ...... hahaha ..... will write more on this when the time comes .....
I've been busy doing more entries and didn't get to check my email till almost 5.30pm and one of the mails that came was ...... below ....
We are preparing for our International Day celebrations again.
Last year, I was disappointed that the students did not get to see your demonstration.
At our meeting this morning, I was asked to request you to conduct a brief workshop/ demonstration of some Malay cooking in the school kitchen. You could consider demonstrating the entire process/ get them to try their hands at something.
Kindly consider helping us. Do let us know your budget for purchase of ingredients.
We plan to have 2 - 4 batches of students for the workshop. Each batch will have about 20 students.
Please let us know of your availability for the International Day.

buat roti jala kak dengan kuah durian....biar semerbak bau dia...
WOWee!! Kak Elle has joined my league (teaching career)! But I don't want to be your student. I only want to EAT your cookings!! yum yum...
Bravo bravo for Aunty Nurse Teacher!!!! Kalau dah multi-talented, memang there's no way you can hide it.
buat mee rebus... sure yummy!!!! lepas ni takleh panggil kakak nurse lah.. kena panggil kakak cikgu! hehee..
Good morning teacher !!
Teacher, can you please teach me how to eat your delicious kuih cara.... hehehehe.
Buat bubur kacang, mudah dan selalunya orang suka makan , akak boleh rebus kacang hijau tu dulu kat rumah untuk memudahkan prosesnya.
I have to prepare breakfast now .... haaaa bread for those kids.... I'm done teacher :)
Goodbye teacher .
kak ezza...
memang ada jadangan gak nak but roti jala biar student cuba menjala tapi mungkin dgn curry ayam kot.
tak aci kena hands on lah..haha
seram juga nak conduct demo tu tau:)
mee rebus too leceh..prob something simple.
good morning to you too...kalau bolih yg students bolih cuba membuat(hands on)..
Aaah, buat karipap... My favourite... Kasik student uli2 sikit tepung and teach them how to wrap the inti... Best ooo... Lepas masak, kasik FedEx sini sikit... Hehe.
Kak elle,
kak ezza and cath suggestions are good. either one can give some experience to the students. I am sure they will laugh their head off looking at the output...hahhhaa that reminds me of someone's kuih jala... neeza ada buatkan..!!!
aunty nurse, pesal malam2 tak tidor lagi? Adoi hari ni mesti ngnatuk kat office tu hahaha.
Oooo baru ingat, kalau bubur memang boleh makan jelah, tak boleh cuba. Buat karipap atau popia goreng, ok jugak tu .
salam sis...lama tak ke sini.reading this n3 reminds me of cerita p.ramlee,masam2 manis...cikgu norkiah yg ajar kelas masak waktu mlm...hehe...eh,betul ke..ke kelas jahit..hehe tu dah mcm sis ummi365 lak..
Good morning cikgu nurse...i oso wanna be ur student.. plizz teach me how to eat the delicious dishes that you have just shown us how to cook muhahaha
did think of karipap but too messy as I only has 3 hrs for 4 sessions
and also karipap need frying.
roti jala dlm pertimbangan but will do fusion...hehe
roti jala fusion it will be:)
masam2 manis kelas mlm ni kelas siang...hahaha
jom jadi my anak murid bolih makan sama nanti...haha
Wah!! Kakak ku cayang dah nak jadi cikgu dah...memang multi-talented macam kata Queen...
Kak...buat le aper aje yang mudah untuk akak sediakan...sebab rasanya apa yang akak masak sedap aje...
Hish..hish Kak Elle ni gifted betul lah..semua benda boleh buat. Bab masak saya memang tak reti..bab makan sangat pandai.
Just for sharing, masa mula2 kawin dulu try buat kuih lompang..kukus kukus tak jugak naik. I checked the pembalut tepung, padan tak naik..tepung pulut rupanya..patutlah macam dodol jer!!!!
hehehe bolih action kejap jadi cikgu....hahaha
agak depan students nanti gementar pulak bantot apa yg nak dimasak...hehe
happening nya kelas tu nanti; roti jala wil be fun, tengok sapa paling cantik menjala.. hehe
aha mesti happening nanti dgn foreign students menjala nya kan?
kak elle kan mmg terror part cooking nie...so this is the right time nak tunjuk your skill kat dorang semua... you d best kak elle!!
dodie pun sama mcm D...nak jadi tukang makan, boleh??
hehe lom tau lagi sekali kena audience jitters:)
ni dua2 D nak makan aje eh...hehe
Wow...jadi cikgu masak2 macam dalam citer P.Ramlee tu..he he...
Best betul la kak elle... Tie yang over excited ni... Dah ada menu ke ??
Roti jala yang kak ezza cadangkan tu ok gak...mesti riuh budak2 tu menjala..kihkih ...
kak Elle,
mee rebus tu kak Elle buat kat rumah bagi diorang makan!! hehee.. mesti ada repeat order..
tumpang lalu...
Kak Ummi, roti jala neeza hari tu kan jadi kain buruk koyak yang dilipat lipat hahaha!!
tapi sedap tu cicah kuah durian.. yummm..
jom turun jadi anak murid akak...haha
bila tu neeza buat roti jala?tak baca pun or maybe dah lupa...haha
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