As you know I don't need to buy .... ehem-ehem kan ada banyak peminat .....

as we were eating our ice cream yakking and laughing then it strikes that Daniel Toyne has to teach the year 1 this afternoon since Paul West is on leave ..... mati2 pakcik tak nak ajar si kenits pasal dia ni HOD for IB students ... 17-18yrs old ..... he turns to me and ask 'elle do you mind taking over?' .... hahaha .... I wish

Talking about ice cream it makes someone up in KL very jealous tau .... esp when I told her later in late afternoon we have more ice cream to eat as school is over and the ones they couldn't sell were given to us .......
Some of the leftovers kept in the fridge in our pantry ........ only chocolate and strawberry flavours left.
Once again this afternoon when I was Yming with ummi365 was telling her crave for baked chicken and was thinking of buying one whole spring chicken for dinner.Then she asks no more leftover ke?....oh..oh ... ada..ada ... so now I ended eatinf leftovers from the last few days except for the rice I cook fresh jasmine rice.Hope ummi is happy now that I am eating my prawns curry and black pepper beef for dinner.
Besides the swensen I also have this crunch ice cream bars and in the end instead of swensen I had the crunch ...... hmmm so sedapppppppppp.
no satu no satu
sedapnyer eskrim tu .......
Ooo....bestnya ais cream tu... Dan black pepper beef pun sedap !
Salam kak..
Terus rasa nak pi 7E cari aiskrim.
Have a nice weekend.!
Kak Elle,
Tu nampak cam sambal udang aje... Ngam ngam ngam....
Ice-cream?? Cath kurang sikit cream cream ni... 4 kg yang Cath put on tu still around Kak Elle. Huhuhu!!!
tengok swensen tak jeles sangat lagi.. bila tengok crunch ice cream tu.. uuwwaaaa!!! takleh tahan... jeles tahap gabannnn... sedapnyaaaa...
Kak....swensen tu yang membuat anie terliur...tgk pulak coklat yang kat bawah tu...sedapppppppppp
iaskrim ituuuuu.. nak sikit.. boleh pos tak? hehe
Ish, tak kan malam-malam ni I nak keluar cari icecream. You've made me so terliur lah, Kak Elle!
aiyoooo laaa...ini aunty nurse bikin ku drooling aaa mlm2 nie...uwaaaaa...kijam kijam..ahaks'
Ramai jugak peminat aiskrim ya, After dinner tadi makan pedas,satu rumah minta aiskrim malam tadi.. hahaha; tapi mak abah ni terlampau letih nak keluar, tunggu esok.
Kalau aiskrim beli stok pun banyak pun tak tahan lama.
see see.. you dah buat semua orang drooling over your ice cream. adoiii gua manyak jeles wor...itu crunch pun gua manyak suka. hai pagi2 buta ni nengok ice cream buat i nak cari je jap lagi kat 7/11 tu hah.
yeayyyy.. kak elle dah habiskan makanan dia... glad you did.
meh sini ada lagi ice cream:)
kat sana hujan kan?mana bolih makan ice cream....hehee
tapi kat sini pun hujan jugakkkkkk
ala kesian nya nasib baik ada 7-11...hehe
u too have a nice weekend:)
tu kari udang....finally habis:)
actually I am not an ice cream eater like you tapi sekali2 tu bolih lah.
ice cream arab cam mana eh?
dua2 tu ice cream tapi crunch tu di dlm nya ada chcocolate.....hehe....
hari ni kena pergi cari ice cream Anie ye:)
kalau dekat nak banyak pun bolih:)
starbuck and coffee bean buka kan sampai pagi...
huh tu lah mlm2 sape suruh merayap rumah orang....hahahaha
ni secara kebetulan ada ice cream...yg crunch tu beli masa Huda tido sini .. saya tak minat sgt dgn ice cream...
sengaja buat entry ni supaya ummi yg lebih droolinggggg...haha
nak clear kan fridge dgn leftovers manyak susah lor makan ada lagi kuah satay and ikan kari and a bit of mee goreng...I think pizza dah kena buang lah.
Anak anak I: Mama!Mama! wake up Ma! Eh eh..mama kita dah pengsan!!!
hahahaha...perli aunty elle ye:)
naz bila lagi dapat makan ni seme nanti dah sakit baru nak tanya nak makan ini nak makan itu....hehe
telan air liur baca entry ni ..... sabar jelah, masanya akan tiba bila saya dapat makan ais krim tu :)
selamat berhujung minggu !!
cian dia masih pantang makan ye?takpe insya'allah bila dah sihat bolih curi2 sikit ok ... hehe
Kak Elle,
I so totally agree...masa sihat ni makan je lah apa yang nak makan as long as jangan lebih lebih sampai memudaratkan.
Have a nice weekend, Kak Elle. Forget all the housework la...go paint the town red!
yes there's a limit to our intake rite/
u too have a great weekend...hari ni di bantai hujan...boringggggggg
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