So to past the time I start to read and as usual zzzzzzzzzz ....... hahaha
Since the mood of going is gone I just watch the korean drama for 2 hrs then contniue with chinese drama .... sori ek no malay drama on.
Same goes in the evening everyday mon- friday ... I watch more chinese,korean,japanese soaps than our local programs.
I did my curry chicken early thinking that I am going out but ended staying home instead.
My dinner of curry chicken and roti bom .....
The frozen roti bom .... its smaller than roti canai and it has a sweet filling in the centre ...... the makcik told me not to fry with oil as its been pre cooked so what I did is to grill it the oven toaster.
I know its going to make you guys drool again ... see what I did with my strawberry swensen ice creammmmmm ............. I add some bananas ...........

To Naz I don't do this everyday ah ...... or every week .... sometimes only.
yummyyy!!! sedaplah pulak bila nampak kak Elle put some bananas in..
roti boom tu kan favorite my daughters.. asal pergi kedai mamak, mesti mintak roti boom.. sini diorang tak reti buat la kak elle..
kalau neeza first for straight 30 days kan hai 'coach'...menunggu....hahaha
roti bom ke roti boom?neeza belajar buat dah tu bolih jual mesti laku:)
nak oder roti boom dua.. satu utk zino satu utk hazwan.. dengan kuah kari ya hehe
bolih encik bolih bagi alamat ye oh lupa dgn ice cream sekali ke?...hahaha
Kak Elle,
Senang kan, ada roti bom segera... Just throw it in the oven and voila... Curry chicken looks good... I do have Yeo's curry chicken and frozen prata... Aha... that's what I'm going to have for lunch then.
Aisey ... gambar icecream lagi!! My fav strawberry icecream pulak tu! My youngest, Alif, suka sangat roti boom tu .... so I simpan a few dalam fridge. But he likes it with susu pekat (eeeek! manis!)
kak..i only bensi the banana...hahahaha but not the ice cream
kijam kijam...ahaks'.nak wat camner..suka tul merayap umah kak elle waktu2 cam gini...kijam kijam..ihiks'.
nak buat kari ayam gak lah.. hahaha....sedapnye pekena roti bom ngan kari ayam waktu hujan-hujan...
so by now mesti dah makan pratha ngan yeo's chicken curry kan?
jgn lupa nanti beli ice cream swensen tu ye...hehe
eekksss makan ngan condense milk?????bom tu kan dah manis!
hahaha one banana split coming up for you:)
makoi suka merayap rumah orang masa depa tido kalau siang2 bolih pelawa ice cream.....haha
ok masak kari ayam untuk hari ni ye dan makan ngan segala roti...jgn lupa beli ice cream sekali tau:)
aduss...sedap tu makan roti bom dgn kari ayam. azwa pun ada masa suka cicah ngan susu hehehe...roti bom yang azwa jumpa kat sini tak pulak ada filling dan tak manis. ia mcm roti canai cuma saiznya kecik ajerr..
ice cream ittewww...sangatlah menggodanya hehehe
Kak, I spent my time at home jugak...tak tau mana nak pergi. I masak dalca and ayam tandoori. Baca novel, surf internet and apa lagi me nak buat if not tengok korean drama...lepas tu..zzzzz.
Sebelah petang jer after Daud balik I pergi JB with him...(kita naik bas tau kak :)jalan-jalan cari makan...tak cari novel sebab nak borong next month...erk!
Oh iya...lupa..pagi ni makan roti with leftover dalcha..yummy!
yg kat sini akak beli di tengah manis mmg makcik tu bilang...
nak ice cream?meh lah...hehe
kita sama ek duduk rumah...zzzzzz
at least u ke JB lah sape lah mampu nak ada kereta skg kan ...minyak lain..service lain dan road tax lagi...
eh lagi pun takde lesen cam mana nak beli kereta kan kan kan?
I masak nasi lemak ada cikgu nak makan sama:)
salam..happy women's day
thank you adik...saya pun lupa.
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