I am not suppose to go to the market today but need to buy few things and I brought with me S$100/- and these are the things I managed to buy ..... kak ezza kalau duit malaysia kira2 dlm $240/- tau ..... hmmm ... tengok lah cuma ini sahja yg dapat saya beli ..... mahal kan?

Fish ball goreng,mixed veges,cubed crab stick,mee kuning 1kg,taugeh 20cents,daun sop/bawang 50 cents,serai and garlic $2.00 and sago with japanese sweet potatoes $3.00.

Prawns 1kg $10.00,red snapper the whole bunch $12.00,minced beef $6.00 and chicken 1 ekor $6.50.

Fruits and veges ..... $7.00
and I bought some dry stuff to stock as well .....

and most of all I get to buy these telur ikan-fish roe .... Sya and Ummi365 nampak tu ...yeah-yeah nak masak asam pedas telur ikan nanti......hehehehe

Minced beef fried with cili and oregano with mixed veges to eat whenever I am hungry with the instant mashed potatoes and sometimes I brought that to work for my lunch .... very handy.

The prawns I fried with green cilis and black pepper.

My lunch today nasi lemak with the trimmings ........... ada sape2 yg tak masak jom lah saya belanja:)

and sago pudding for dessert ..... I am having a teacher joining me for lunch .I will update with her picture later when she comes.

My guest Marissa Jansz our school english teacher ..... not only she gets to eat but also to tapau home for her dinner .... thanks Marissa for coming and also for the fruitie tea she brought back from Sri Lanka during her last holiday.
and most of all I get to buy these telur ikan-fish roe .... Sya and Ummi365 nampak tu ...yeah-yeah nak masak asam pedas telur ikan nanti......hehehehe
Minced beef fried with cili and oregano with mixed veges to eat whenever I am hungry with the instant mashed potatoes and sometimes I brought that to work for my lunch .... very handy.
The prawns I fried with green cilis and black pepper.
My lunch today nasi lemak with the trimmings ........... ada sape2 yg tak masak jom lah saya belanja:)
and sago pudding for dessert ..... I am having a teacher joining me for lunch .I will update with her picture later when she comes.

My guest Marissa Jansz our school english teacher ..... not only she gets to eat but also to tapau home for her dinner .... thanks Marissa for coming and also for the fruitie tea she brought back from Sri Lanka during her last holiday.
adushhhh.. pesallah letak gambar makanan. dah lah ari ni vitamin M i lebih sikit. makan kan untuk i ya.
Laa....Tie tak masak lagi...tengok makanan tu dah lapor.
Sat...Tie nak gi masak....dah kul 12 lebih..hu hu...
kak elle
saya ni belum masak..tapi dah lapar ni...kak elle..banyak nya beli barang tu..macam macam ada!telur ikan tu paling menggoda...saya ni nak mencari telur ikan untuk nek rock,,tak jumpa jumpa...
pagi2 tengok gambar food rasa lapar sesangat. tapi takpe, best... :)
sekarang inflation kan kak Elle.. goods are expensive. Kat sini pun sama. Sekali pergi buat grocery dah dua tiga ratus. Tu every weekend tu. Kalau buat 2 weeks once, tak tahu lah..
mari lah berapa kali i pelawa u selalu buat mahal...hehehe
ok ok nanti I makan kan untuk you sekali:)
ngelat semem belum masak dah masuk blog kak elle....hehee
btw Tie tadi nampak buah kundang terus beli di tulis kat situ guarantee sweet...tapi tak reti makan.
kebetulan ada telur ikan hari ni terus pilih yg elok2 tu bila di timbang makoi $8.00
oh nek rock nak mai rumah kak ezza ye?
patut nya tak yah kepasar hari ni tu lah gatal kan habis $100...hehe
Wow!! Dat lot for $100? Kat Mesia lebih kurang RM100 je utk sumer tu. Mahal ek sara hidup kat sana?
iskkkkk, kenapalah akak stay kat sg bukan kat rumah sebelah ai. harus ku bawa mangkuk tingkat kalau dok sebelah je kan.
ikan mahal kak minggu ni, penjual ikan mogok.
aiyoooo....drooling lg,bestnye tgk telur ikan tu,dan yg paling kijam..itew sagu puding!
ini dtg petang takde ker yg bley dirasa..ahaks'
yumm yumm.. salivating...!!!
belanja groceries di sg sama mahal di vietnam. balik malaysia ni best, sebab murah..
tu lah kat sini mmg kalau kita convert ternampak mahal sekali kan?
so just take dollar for dollar...
rumah sebelah ada kosong tak?mak arab masih tinggal ye?..hehehe
aha barangan laut mahal 2-3 minggu ni.
mari lah sago pudding ada banyak lagi:)...hahaha
apa nak buat dah mmg harga macam tu...kalau tukar duit mesia mmg berbaloi kan?
TIme I sibuk tak memasak ni la akak masak lebih ya,jap lagi hantar sago tu ya, cukup tak?
sago pudding tu ada lagi cukup untuk 3 beranak tu:)
hmm kalau dekat mmg dah hantar lauk2 tu.
salam..wowwww saya suka telur ikan terubuk fresh yg digoreng...rindu betul la ..ahahaa
nasi lemak tu nampak sedap nanti nak minta kak elle belanja hehe
haha telur ikan high cholestrol tau:)
insya'allah bila2 dtg sini saya masak nanti ye:)
kak elle,
i miss you cookings lah.... aduh, seksanya tengok udang2 yg gemuk2 tu...
next trip stay here longer everyday bolih masak:)
Kak...to think kan if I go to the market at your place...I can get all - note all at that price but I could only get less items for the same amount kat my area. You ingat kenapa Bt Gombak ramai yang serbu? Bt Gombak are cheaper than others plus its like a 'mini Geylang' kan?
My mum pun dah jatuh cintan kat pasar Bt Gombak!
I dah bertahun kat BB jadi tak tau pulak macam mana harga2 tempat lain.Yg best tu dapat telur ikan smlm...dah terasa asam pedas kat my throat...hehehe
my sis pun belanja pasar kat sini:)
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