Conclusion of their visit now both of us will have more work to do we not only look after the students but also the staff,cleaners and canteen vendors.We have to make sure the hygiene of contract staff like the cleaners and staff that run the canteen abide the MOH rulings......pengsan.
and today also the year 5 students sibuk cari aunty nurse to collect their original certificates of the IGSCE they took last year.... busy tak habis2 entah sampai bila agak nya.They made the announcement during assembly yr 5 students to look for me for their certificates .....
Today ada seorang cikgu bagi treat soyabean drink and soyabean cake maybe because of this I felt so uncomfortable around midday till afternoon ......

At first I had stomach pain ..... maybe wind ..... then an hour later ......

I had to run to the wash room twice ............ aiyo apa sudah jadi .......
By 3.30pm I felt much better *whew* thank goodness :)
Thats the story of my life and next few weeks will be busy too .... kerja kerja kerja ....
Saya pun mmg tak suka inspection dan audit....preparation macam nak runtuh dunia! Nak buat camana ya kak, cari rezeki...
Alahai kesiannya, saya pun skrg kalau minum air soya, rasa semacam..take care ya.
Ini mesti kes kena food poisoning ni... Sian... Mai, Cath kasi cium sikit... Hehehe.
Alah kak...kesiannya...akak alahan pada makanan soya ke? Heheh...comel kartun tu...
Take care kak....
tu lah kan nak cari rezeki kena byk bersabar.
agak campuran air dah tauhuay tu cikmilah
maybe I have sensitive stomach today...nak itu cium jugakkkk
nasib baik kena 2 kali je...hehe
kalau tak adoi aunty nurse ygkena rihat
tu lah kesian kan..hehehe
busy ke kak?
nak tanya, camne nak masukkan you tube dalam blog?
bila tak kerja baru lah habis kerja.. selagi masih bekerja... kerja kerja kerja.. hehe
jaga kesihatan..
you tube copy and paste under html...
aha busy tak habis nnt gi KL bolih cuba SPA ye....hehehehe
nak cari makan macam ni lah kan kerja kerja kerja ...
wahh aunty nurse busy. Ummi pun busy gak yesterday, sampai rumah terus kong...
sy suka gilosss any soya meals...yum yum,tp kalu perut jd sensitip mcm tu...takut gak nak mkn.
take care sis...ramai ler yg fenin kalu 800 n3 tu tergendala bila akak nurse tak sihat..hehe.
saya ni kalau amik soya on empty stomach, boleh jadi sakit jugak kadang2... take care yaa..
Makin busy akak kat tempat kerja. Kena jaga makan dan jangan biar perut kosong. katun pergi toilet tu kelakarlah .
Take care !
oh ye ke kita ni mcm buat appt pulak sesama busy eh...hehe...project on ke?
apa nak buat kerja ..kerja..kerja ...hehehe
ntah kenapa pulak meragam si perut tu minum soya milk
busy semacam kebelakangan ni...dah kerusi tak selesa adoi sakit pinggang di buat nya.
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