Ok the picture speak for itself ..... I went to Daiso the japanese store that sell everything for $2.... cheap..cheap....
My going there was to buy those padded envelopes which is sold for $2 to do my parcel posting and ofcourse nak cuci mata ..... hahaha
Dodie this section specially for you hello kitty stuff .....

then I saw this box to hold 4 chocolates or for something else ........

Folded into this ............ cute eh?

Cikmilah ni hah the chocolate mold ... I belikan 2 sets only only have these 2 designs plus the colourful plastic mould.....how can or not? kalau tak nak takpe saya bolih gunakan.
then I saw this box to hold 4 chocolates or for something else ........
Folded into this ............ cute eh?
cikmilah for the that special day Valentines chocolate ..... it comes with a plastic wrapper and tie.

Whats at Daiso .... curi2 snap .... without flash

The lighted candles given to me airflown from Richmond Virginia .... yes cat cat gave that to me when she stayed at my place and yesterday afternoon I had to use it during the heavy rain with thunder and lightning ... and at around 3 plus there was a piercing lightning that the house went into darkness......with no hesitation I lighted the lavender scented candles whilst checking the switches......the lightning must have trip something.
So just now I bought more candles .... as you know I am all alone so at least if at night I have candle to support the darkness.
I also bought 2 rolls of japanese wool to try and knit something.

Then I came to this section where they sell these and I bought 6 pieces ...... as ummi365 said its enough to make a bag a piece.
Above are the 6 pcs that I bought ..... cantik tak? bolih tak? anyone keen?
I didn't realise that I have 51 pcs of things in the basket that when time to pay alamak .... it comes to S$102...... pengsan.....hahaha
I bought a lot kitchen stuff too ... just grab like its free ........
I had lunch at the Bagus banquet and I ordered fried kway teow whcih was so oily that I felt like throwing up after each mouthful in the end I didn't eat it and went down to Giant and bought this .......
Roasted black pepper chicken ..... and I bought 2 thinking of sleeping over at my sis but she is going out .... its ok maybe I cook a bit chicken rice to go with eat.
Too many to snap picture so the rest of the stuff I won't show ok ......
dush dush dush... lagi sekali aunty nurse buat i jeles ya.. uwaa uwaa...
ummi jeles ngan apa nya...shopping?kain2 tu?or is it the roasted chicken??....hahaha
wah comel2 la barang kat Daiso tu ek kakelle...kotak hadiah tu very derr cutest la kaedahnya. Tapi paling jeles tu yang lat sekalik tu gambo ayam panggang huhuhuhu
kaka elle...kain kain tak buat apa tu....$2.00 jugak ker tu....
seronok nya pi menyopping...itu hobi orang pompuan kan...
hahaha ayam panggang juga dia nampak eh?
aha lots of good stuff kat daiso
saya pun nak cuti nak lepak, tapi tak boleh.patutnya 19 di langkawi. huwaaaaaaaaa..........
cuti je tapi ada kerja sekolah, nak kejar dateline. 2day sakit dah kepala, banyak kes nak settle. tension.
ye kain2 tu $2 sehelai..bidang 45x45 inci...cukup untuk jahit satu bag.
kesian nya...sakit pun kerja ye?
kalau saya dapat masuk Daiso tu...harus tak mau keluar...belek satu-satu stuff...
haha....mmg at least nak 2-3 jam dlm daiso...
kalau riyal.. 2 tu consider cheap la.. tapi SD2.. about 5 riyal kan kak elle..
tapi kalau cantik okaylah kan..
banyak tu kak elle shopping.. neeza tengok gambar pun rambang mata.. heheh..
kak elle, jom pi jumpa ummi365... I pun hari tu ada shopping kain nak buat beg... masa tu sale kat Fella Design... dia banyak jual kain remnants yg usual price harganya RM58-RM88 semeter... tapi masa tu hanya RM5/meter....
haah la kak ummi.....apasal daiso pj x sama mcm kat sana ek?? hello kitty punye la byk....ni yg stress ni..
actually kesana nak beli lain bila dah sampai faham2 aje lah kan....hehee
nak jumpa ummi dia buka tingkap aje pintu belum tau buka tak...
ala ni kain murah je tak sehandal fella designs.
kejap lagi nak upload what I bought for you...tunggu eh....hahaha
aggghh.. ahhh, saya terhenti bernafas kejap kak.. alahai comelnyaaa mould tu...dan kotak tu special sekali..
Ishhhhh...cuti tak da....baru kerja.. kalau tak naik train gi Daisho!..hahaha
Kak...besarnya daiso kat Singapore...
Anie suka tengok chocolate mould valentine tu...and berkenan dengan kain2 yang akak beli tu...cantik2...
Kak...sayangnya candle yang cantik tu dah kene guna....tapi...that's what candles are for...
Wah $2 kat Daiso... eeemmmm nanti bawak 'tetamu2 ' tu ye ke kedai tu, nak suruh diaorang borong sedikit sebanyak kat situ..... I love candles, memang suka sangat dan kain2 tu amatlah cantiknya, tak jeles sebab I tak pandai jahit ...hehehe.
nak dtg weekend bolih friday till sunday ....naik air asia murah
kotak2 ada 3 designs in 3 colours...and also boxes for cakes...meh cikmilah jom ke sg...yg kat plaza singapura lagi besarrrrrrrrrrrr
aha besar dan ada 2 cawangan tau...
hehe candle kan untuk di guna...berjasa juga kira cat cat bagi tu kan?
bisa di atur wanmommy..nnt saya bawa mereka ke situ ye.
kain2 tu pun bukan saya nak jahit saa je membeli sape tau ada yg berkekenan.
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