There you are carousel @ 3.30pm .... we starve ourselves -no lunch just because we are having h-tea ...... hahaha

Nora in the Q even though we have reservation ....... kiasu singaporean but we always stay in our Q no jumping Q ...ok .... good citizens.

The 3 divas having a gala time .... happy..happy ... to unstress ourselves by indulging in food ....
with me are norabella and mamajambu .....

Some of the food we had this afternoon ..... I didn't snap all ......

My sis Ram was there too with her friends ..... secara kebetulan .... it was Nora whilst queuing saw her and ask me - 'kak elle is that your sister Ram?'....hahaha what a small world eh? and my sis too from reading my blog recognise Norabella ......

Me with my first plateful of helpings ............

When the stomach dah kenyang .... makcik berdua ni mula lah bluetoothing lagu2 korean ...... hahaha ...... mama next time we meet tolong nyanyi kan ye?

I bought a Bonia wallet and have always love wallet in this colour ........... the wallet is on sales so it was enough from the hongbao.
I also drop by Mark & Spencer and bought 2 pair of pants since they have my size and length.

My sis Ram was there too with her friends ..... secara kebetulan .... it was Nora whilst queuing saw her and ask me - 'kak elle is that your sister Ram?'....hahaha what a small world eh? and my sis too from reading my blog recognise Norabella ......

Me with my first plateful of helpings ............

When the stomach dah kenyang .... makcik berdua ni mula lah bluetoothing lagu2 korean ...... hahaha ...... mama next time we meet tolong nyanyi kan ye?

Then we start posing before we left ....

Beauty's rose

Beauty's rose
Will never die
Fresh as spring
To the eye.
Its shopping time too .............I went to Isetan on my way to Carousel and bought myself a gift ...... and this gift to myself is the money from the hongbao cat cat left for me on my dining table when she and family came to visit ...... cath thank you .

I bought a Bonia wallet and have always love wallet in this colour ........... the wallet is on sales so it was enough from the hongbao.
I also drop by Mark & Spencer and bought 2 pair of pants since they have my size and length.
enjoy yourself kak.
saya pun cuti dan setengah hari merayau di IKEA, ambik............habis masa kat situ,he, he...... anyway enjoy.
time destress kan shopping and makan-makan .... hehehe
i love to see u in that red blouse....nampak muda and ceria always
that red blouse I bought for CNY but never get to use for that day at school....thank u kakak mu ni kan selalu vogue...hahaha
cantik nya purse tu kak....
saya suka wallet tu tapi compartment nya kecik sedikit so tak bolih isi byk card...
Terserlah ke-naughty-an mu in the second last picture :)
the Bonia wallet is totallu awesome lah kak Elle ;)
sedapnya makan-makan kak elle.. mlm ni kami makan2 jugak tapi kat rumah orsng hehee..
hahaha...wonder if she realises????hehe
good choice kan on the Bonia wallet?
rumah orang pun kira makan2 juga:)
best nya.. cuti-cuti, shopping-shopping makan-makan....cerah mata kenyang perut suka hati...hehe
sedapnya makan makan hehe
sekali2 nak hiburkan hati:)
bukan senang nak kumpulkan kawan makan bersama tau...hehe
macam takde kerja lain kan?...haha
Amboi,amboi, amboi..... bukan main happening lagi ye , itulah best bila dapat cuti dan jumpa rakan2 dan makan-makan dan shopping2 ... cantik hiasan dalaman nya .
Hali ini aaa mau keleja baik-baik ya misi ... itu cuti sudah habis oo .... hehehe.
jangan ingat sama gua lah manyak sedeh woh .. mau jumpa itu bunga2 tarak bagus loh....hehe
Kak Elle & Kak Ram (Mamajambu), thank you for the company and the trip back home.
Still teringat the part bluetooth tu...he..he....so embarassed.
makcik dah canggih kan dah pandai guna blue tooth skg...
thanks for the treat too...the lift back to BP no sweat I was on the way anyway:)
Kak Elle,
I'm glad you got something for yourself.. I love Bonia stuff too... Very nice and pretty design.
seronoknya spending time to destress with friends kan kak elle..makanan pun sodapp..
i loveee bonia too...comelnya purse ittewww..
thats my remebrance of you:)
lain kali nak join tak...hehe
nak join,nak join!!!! (nyibuk je,kih,kih..)
jom lah:)
Kak Elle lain kali kita gi lg leh tumpang nora..suh nora jgn jual kereta dia.. anyway thanx 4 the trip..
oh nora dah ada lesena keta ye?lah nape tak drive smlm ... hahaha
Laaa... Nora dah jual keta dah? Tak sempat sya naik lagik.. isk isk isk :p
takpe sya nanti saya bilang dia jgn jual dulu tunggu sampai sya datang...eh lupa Daud ada crane kan? .. ada sape2 nak tumpang?
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