I was up to my neck sorting the IGSCE original certs that arrived ... my boss ask for my help to sort it out into respective classes and I had to photocopies them as well and I am honoured to be chosen to give them out to the students after school reopens if not earlier.I should say the students did very well with most scoring straights 8 A's ..... Most of them are here still in year 5 and some had left to pursue their study overseas.The students got their results 3 wks ago but the original copies only arrived last few days.
Like today when one of the teachers saw me doing all these he said wow multi tasking???...hahaha I told him don't be surprise if you see me teaching in a class room one day....hahaha

Friday is our games day most likely its ball games dan sewaktu dengan nya ..... we are expecting students to come to sickbay reporting sick ... asal tak nak take part or busy nursing to injuries.
Eversince I don't have my comfy chair I have to make do with the dining chair and my back is killing me now.If only someone can massage my back .......... helppppppp.
I will YM if I have the time so till then take care ok.
Adoiii...busynya kakak ku ini...tapi salutelah dgn kak elle...diusia begini pun masih cergas...multi tasking lagi...
Seronok bila dpt menghabiskan masa dengan lebih bermakna ye kak...
Kerja-kerja jugak...tapi jadi kesihatan tu...
sibuk sibuk tp syok ...
minggu depan cuti sekolah
meh sini neeza bawak pergi kat chinese massuer kat Dammam..
neeza pergi baru ni.. okay gak..
amboi bzz nya..
tapi janga lupa jaga kesihatan.. ok..
apa nak buat anie dlm lengkongan usia senja masih bekerjakan?hahaha
tak kerja sape nak bagi makan jugak kan?
ok thank u akak dah add insya'allah ada masa akak msg ye:)
kalau dekat mmg saya accept offer to massage tu...hehe
aha bz sikit minggu ni mengharum kerja2 orang lain juga selain dr anak2 yg sakit.
cool lah aunty nurse ni.. boleh buat multitasking. malu kat kita yang lebih muda dari aunty. ermm.. aunty aunty.. kalau aunty jadi cikgu kelas kan. ummi nak ikut sekalilah. boleh?
apa nak malu ummi niat berani membuat kan?ala buat kerja2 ni seme 'chicken feet' lah....hahaha
ok aunty nurse nak buka kelas mengait nanti kat sekolah as CCA after school at 4.30pm ummi nak join sama tak?
Kalau dekat boleh I tolong urut ,lepas tu akak pulak urut I ... hehehe.
Keje baik2 ye :)
haha pandai nak saya urutkan ye?kalau sempat agak give myself a treat pergi spa...hahaha
saya buat kerja elok2 lah bab tu di suruh tolong:)
Kak elle.. samlah kita busy ngan keja
Tak apa kak Elle, anggap aje all the running around as a form of exercise. It's important to keep active, anyway .... betul tak?
nak buat cam mana kan makan gaji:)
ye lah kalau mangkin naik badan kan?
elok jugak tu kak, tak ler asyik mengadap roommate tu. Kerja tu kerja jugak tau, kesihatan kena jaga, makan kena jaga...hehe.
Meh sini nak urutkan belakang...
betul tu tapi kerja checking ni nak juga guna pc to check name lists ... makcik asyik intip my screen aje ...nak YM pun susah..hehe
insya'allah kesihatan akan saya jaga.
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