The parcel arrived this afternoon and unfortunately now that I have a partner I can't make an entry at work unlike before .... tu yg menyedehkan sekali.....
But as 4pm today we both have our own pc so no need to share again .... the cleaners came to re arrange the bed and tables but I don't like it at all ... the cosy-ness has gone and my lovely pictures on the wall is too far from my desk and instead she put the bed there....I have to live with it until september when we have a bigger room and more space.

This is from sifu chocolate di utara ........
ok cikmilah a close up as you requested .... still looks good after 5 days except the pinkie top the shape got distorted a bit.... the one with crispy no longer crispy ... this is honest feed back ye and that doesn't mean I tak nak lagi ... kalau bolih nak lagikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ...... hahaha
Its chocolatey and not that sweet just nice .... maybe future ones can make it slightly smaller for easy bite .... or issit my teeth dah tak kuat?????
My second parcel if from sifu cupcakes and cakes ..... my buddy Yeen from Kuantan .... thank you Yeen love the pinkie roses will certainly use it ..... she sent me a table runner which is so sweet the roses.For yours you have to come to Sg to collect so thats good excuse tau to come here.... hehehe
I am grateful to have friends who always think of me and only Tuhan yang dapat membalas nya ... insya'allah.
Latest update now that we have 2 nurses ... hmmm.... one of us will have to follow the either the soccer or rugby team during their matches .......... aiyo satu kerja pulak .............
yummy chocolates!! nak lah jugakkkkk!!! hehee.. kalau pergi singapore pun dia jadik cam tu, datang saudi mungkin langsung jadi choclate bar terus kot hehehe.. nak nak sekarang its getting warmer..
kak elle.. table runner tu comel.. boleh letak kat your dining table yang selalu jamu orang makan tu :)
nak minta cikmilah buatkan kecik sikit sakit saya mengigit nya...hehe
table runner to panjang neeza untuk coffee table bolih ...dining table saya bulat.
Salam Kak.
Suka saya. Hidup akak diselubungi kasih sayang orang2 disekeliling akak.. ini kira rezeki akak...
alhamdulillah kan?mmg agak nya rezeki saya:)
sedapnya coklat tu
kalau nak chocolate gi ngendeng kat cikmilah ye...haha
saya pun suka amkan coklat...bila banyak masaalah,coklat lah penghibur saya...makan sorang sorang,curik curik makan dalam kereta...takut anak mintak..teruk kan saya ni..
Cik milah!!!!
saya pun nak satu!!!!
Alahai cik milah...untuk akak takde ke?....huhuhuh
Kak...table runner tu cantik...very sweet...
Next time dark chocolate mint ye kak..hehehe
Sapa tu yang nak rasa.. angkat keyboard!!!!! ( reply to my latest N3...)
Auuu, sweetnya table runner tu...roses lagi
oh makan curi2 ye dlm keta...hehe
gi blog cikmilah dia nak bagi tu:)
nak jugak?ok cikmilah menunggu sape2 yag nak pergi rumah dia....hehee
dark chocs with mint???????nak jugakkkkkkkkkkkkk.....hahaha
yes pink roses very pretty kan?
Belated pun tak pa... It's the thots that count.
Choc bila masuk mulut pun akan cair......
ermm yumm yumm yummm.. i can feel it melts in my mouth. so sedap and chocalatey..
kak elle, tak boleh ubah ke gambar yang kat dinding to your new place?
yes its the tot that counts...
gambar apa?tak faham....
Kak Elle .. sya kena anya cik milah ada tak untuk sya jugak ha ha ha muka tak malu sya ni
untuk kekawan mesti ada cuba ngendend kat dia...
Adoi........Tie minat betul chocolate ni... Dah pergi tengok blog dia..baru nampak chocolates tu. Dasat !
Eh..kak elle kan pandai masak2 ni...mesti boleh buat chocolates sendiri. Tie yakin...bahan2nya lagi mudah dari masakan kita, kan...
akak kalau nak buat tubloih tapi malasssss...haha
kak elle..hehe, ur present dlm pembikinan. Tungguuuuuuu!!
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