I had the shrimps taco which was a bit saltish....
Then we proceed to see the Capitol States Bldg where it house the House of Representatives and Senate.It is a huge building built in 1889 , a crowd were already there and mostly tourist in group with the building reps to explain to them.We saw the House of Representative where the President will reside during meetings in Texas.

Maria and me outside the Capitol States ... today's temp is real low ...sejuk nak mampus even though the sun is high.

The floor on the ground floor ... always people standing there to see the dome of the building.
After that we went to Chinatown ... John managed to locate from the internet and its newly open too.I think its run by the Vietnamese and Taiwanese by the name.We found what we want and more than we expect so our trolley was full of asian stuff as we have guests coming for dinner on sunday and we want to serve malay food.We found serai,lengkuas and many more except asam keping for my rendang.

The front view of the China town.

The front view of the China town.

We found durian .... tak beli kang John pengsan bau nya.

Bought a pack of longan

Bought a pack of longan

and a pack of cempedak.
More pictures coming up ... blogger to slow to upload them so will continue in next entry.
Salam Dari Klang
Saya ezza and masuk dari blog Maklang.
Saya tgk supermarket di sana tak sesak macam di sini..kenapa ye!!!sini nak cari parking punya la payah..berebut rebut...
Saya dah tgk blog masak you tadi...sedap betul nampak goreng soon tu..saya pun pertama kali nampak masakan ni..hahahha
Selamat tahun baru 2009...
kak elle,
happy to hear that you are enjoy sungguh di sana. sejuk ke panas ke layan je kak, ha, ha.....
exclusivenya china town tu..
neeza tak terliur durian and longan tu..
neeza nak cempedak aje.. adusss.. manalah nak cari cempedak ni..
I macam neeza jugak , teringin kat cempedak tu, nak kena cari ni .
Sejuk oh sungguh menyeronokkan ...hehehe .
do you have to buy another suitcase to bring all your barang barang back?
happy new year!! we just got home from a party at our neighbour's house. did you do anything fun tonight?
amboi... jalan sakan kakak kita ni ye... ada buah tangan untuk saya tak? tak nak la takat cempedak je <-- kes tak malu.. huhu! :P
Precious holiday photos, Kak Elle! Everythings looks so good over there. I especially like your pic on the floor of the State Capital building :D
Berapa lama lagi di sana? Enjoy yourself to the max, okay!
wwhoa..shopping utk groceries pun sakan jugak eh.. hahaha. Glad that you have had fun everywhere you went.
Kita tunggu chef Elle in action on Sunday news...:)
seronok nya JJ.... durian tu dari mana tu?
Salam dr saya juga yg masa ni berada di Texas-USA.JJ shoppingggggggg.
Di luar sejuk so semua di dlm ... hehe..dah cuba belum soon goreng tu?
enjoy sakan bemberi economi to US...haha
alamak mak buyung dah mengidam cempedak ni..so sori lah neeza kalau dekat saya hantar kan:)
kalau kat kemaman mesti murah cempedak tu kan?
Happy new year to you and JIm too.
Looks like it huh need extra luggage.
Need a break away from everything merajuk jauh ke US....hehehe
kelakar sungguh all the stuff untuk adik beradik dan anak2 sedara.
worth evry minute of it..can't ask for more the retail teraphy is wonderful...now budget dah bust!!
gembira sgnt bila jumpa serai dan lengkuas:)sunday dapat lah masak rendang ..
durian thailand mari...
Kak Elle Enjoy yourself n happy new year
Happy new year to you too:)
wallaaaaa... durians..!! cempedak pun ada.. lepas ni sure kak elle busy in the kitchen pulak la.. i'm sure the guests akan kenyang gila nanti..
mmg best seme2 ada tapi tadi cuba masak sambal tumis udang makoi cili nya bukan main pedas tak bolih nak makan...habis bibir terbakar.
wah frozen durian? dengan kulit lagik
kalau timbang mmg berat lah frozen tapi yg dah kopek dlm container pun ada.
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