After eating our lunch leftovers from yesterdays dinner of beehoon and cili prawns we headed for the Riverwalk at San Antonio but unfortunately they were cleaning up the river and what you see are trucks and workers cleaning the river during this cold winter ... brrrrrrrrrrr

Maria and me on one of the many bridges along the river walk .. makoi kena turun naik tangga ntah berapa kali - penat lutut....hehehe

See everyone with thick clothing on our way to the gallery for hot coffee and cinnamon rolls yum yum ... I had to wear 3 layers and thats not enough tau can't even hold the camera to snap pictures.
After the hot coffee we continue walking to the Alamo where the place during the mexican and texan war a very historic place remember name like David Crockett etc............

The huge xmas tree in support of drug abuse group.

In front of the Alamo fortress where the war was held .............

Huge Texan cactus around the alamo ground

John and Maria feeling the cold too and they are reading on history of the tree thats 150 yrs old.

On the way back to the car which is a half hour walk on this cold weather so I need to hug a botak tree .... hahahaha
Saw lots of sovenir shops but I already bought so much from the mall and here its half the price....aiyoooooooo
It was not plan to go out today to San Antonio at all esp on this cold day but because my niece Kristina want to give me a treat before I leave so we have no choice but to go ... we meet her and Robert after her work at Indian Palace and we had indian food so yummy...... I had nasi bryani and naan bread with so many dishes since its a buffet style.

With Kristina and Robert after our dinner before we left the restaurant.

With Kristina and Robert after our dinner before we left the restaurant.

With dearest sister Maria and bro in law Johan aka John .... thank you for the lovely stay and treatment and most of all for the airticket they sponsored as a gift to me .... they think I needed the break after arwah bapak passed away in June last year.... so I only need to bring for spending.

wah kak elle.. brrrrrr je .. sejuk sangat ya?
tak pe bukan senang nak sampai sana and enjoy the weather..
kristina has got your look.. nama pun makcik dia kan..apalah ummi ni.
sejukkkkkkkk giler lah sampai I guna scarf jadi tudung tutup pipi...tak tahan.
maybe our hairstyle sama kot tapi dia lebih cantik.
Kak...memula ingat aperle yang brrrrr... tu...sejuk ye kak...
Seronok tgk kak elle happy dengan Maria & family...
Enjoy kak sementara kat sana...sayang takde snow...kalau tak mesti fareez suka...
sejuk sampai memelok pokok ke hehe
mmg terlampau sejuk kalau ada snow agak mmg tak keluar rumah...haha
ingat pokok tu panas tapi sejuk juga....hehehe
neeza sangat envy tengok kak elle kat sana.. rasa rindu sangat dengan environment kat sana walaupun sejuk...
bila la nak dapat pergi US lagi..
gambar will kat atas tu memang menggeramkan.. nak tengok hari2 la.. biar kenan kat baby ni hehee..
bila kemampuan nanti melawat lah ye ke US pergi tempat2 yg pernah neeza tinggal dulu.
Tengok Will puas2 tau:)
Gambar peluk pokok tu paling mahal tu hehehe...bertuah kak elle dpt adik n adik ipar cam maria n johan tu kan...very prihatin pada kak elle.
hehe konon nak jadi heroin hindustan tapi sejuk sgt tu pelok pkok.
alhamdulillah adik2 ada ingat kat akak dia:)
kak elle ...
seronoknyer ....
tapi sejuk ketor tuuuuu
enjoy the winter kak..nanti balik sini rindu pulak nak pakai baju dua tiga lapis.. hehehe...
jahanam my kulit kering habis..
tu lah bila sejuk nak panas bila panas nak sejuk...manusia tak pernah happy dgn apa yg ada.
Kak Elle,
seronoknya tgk orang JJCM... lama betul kak Elle bercuti di sana...bila balik Sg?
Kak Elle amik gambar hug botak tree tak pe.. kalau ada gambar kak elle hug a botak man... adush.. tak balik nanti ke singapore tau
tak nak balik nanti bagi bome address lagi bolih?tak ingat letak kat mana.
hahaha dah cukup kena peluk cium pipi hari tu...musim sejuk seme pakai topi lom nampak yg botak lagi cuma John ada lah botak tengah hampir.
Hahaha Kak Elle ... buat apa peluk pokok botak tu? No heat. Kena cari MAN . botak ke tidak, tak kisah :P
I can almost feel the cold, looking at your pics. kalau pergi masa spring or fall pun best jugak, kan?
kak elle, you certainly deserve the break and the ticket to go there! looks like you are enjoying yourself!
takde MAN ler tu pokok pun jadi...hahaha
kak teh....
syukur alhamdulillah that I have siblings who think for me:)
Having a great time.
Banyak2 pokok, apasal pokok botak tu yg dipeluk? Atau semua pokok botak kesejukan?
Sampai sini terasa sejuknya...
semua pokok botak musim sejuk...hahaha...kena tunggu spring time baru acntik berwarna warni
Sejuk tak sejuk memang berbaloi melawat San Antonio, I like all those buildings .
Sebak pulak bila terasa akak dah nak meninggalkan Texas, tak pe lain kali boleh datang lagi .
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