Its birthday time again in the Jellanies today and we seem to have a few doubles celebration and so far there are 3 pairs of the Jellanies who will celebrate their birthdays together.
Adam will be 30 today and to him happy birthday Adam and may your biz be successful always.
Nazeera aka Nana is 10 today who doesn't like pink colour at all but in this photo taken on raya 1st day she was forced to wear pink .... hahaha.This is one niece who goes for boys stuff track pants and tees and hooked to PSP all day and give any rough game she is for it.
Happy birthday Nana and see you tonite @ your BBQ party.
Cat cat and family arriving tonite or rather early sunday morning and I am happy that they will be staying with me for 2 nights before departing to KL on tuesday.Unfortunately the school term begin on monday 19th so I am unable to be around to attend to her but cat cat will know what to do probably look around the city by train which is just across the road where I live betul tak wanmommy pasal wanmommy pun dah naik train from there when she and tokdaddy came with mimi and izzat last year.Also Mas and Dodie yg dah expert with the MRT .... hehehe...if there's any blogger in Singapore who wish to see cat cat whilst she's here do leave me a msg and I'll give you my address.
happy birthday adam.. happy birthday nana... hadiah minta dengan untie elle.. hehe
hadiah dah siap pun skg tak payah fikir2 lagi bagi aje $50/- pandai lah depa buat dgn nya....hehee
cutenye nana...hv a wonderful bbq party n eppy bday to both of them ,adam n nana.
-moga bertambah rezki kak elle...ramai tetamu bertandang ke rumah dia :)
happy B'day Adam and Nana...may happiness always be with both of you..
Sini pun ada sorang tak suka pink, Alia - dua-dua ni boleh join Kak Tulip, ye Tulipurple...:))
Send my regards to Cat cat ya...
kiss the girls for me...
Hv a great BBQ tonite & happy hosting...
thank u very much for the good wishes.
Ni ngah buat kuih cara lauk for the BBQ tonite and I will kiss the 2 girls for you when they are here.
oohh happy birthday adam & nana.. stay healthy & smart.. he he.. mintak aunty elle banyak2 hadiah ya..
regards & best wishes to cat cat & family..
Happy birthday to Adam and Nana, Adam tu nampak muda belia lagi.
Memang mudah nak bergerak dari rumah akak , senang cath nak merayau seluruh Singapore... best regards to cath and family , tolong cubitkan pipi Annabel dan Emma bagi pihak saya ye :)
sorry ek kak elle,tumpang lalu sat...cikmilah,rasanye kalu minat purple mesti allergic skit kat pink kut,sbb sy pun mmg tak suka pink..hehe,
tq kak elle :)
TQ juga bagi pihak Adam and Nana.
will let cat cat knows when she arrives.
awet muda generasi Jellanie clan tumpah ke anak-cucu...hehehe
kejap lagi sampai lah cat cat and family..
asal purple dari pink tau...hehee
Happy birthday to Adam and Nana. So how was the bbq last nite?
When i am writing this now, cath is sleeping in your house already. My regards to her and family.
Happy birthday to both adam and nana, all the best in their future undertakings..ada geng la my asben oso doesnt like pink. he said he read from somewhere yg mengatakan anak2 yg dipakaikan pink ada tendency jadi pon pon...he memang pantang klu i belikan my kiddies baju pink huhuhuhu
wah cat cat nak stay ngan kak elle ek...mesti seronok...dah la the two girls tu sooo cute. Regards to cat n family ek.
ummi..thank u aunty ummi for the wishes..
they were already up when I got up at 6.45am siap mandi lagi budak2 tu.
we had fun last nite @ BBQ
aha cat cat and family staying with me 2 nights.
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