Their plan to go sightseeing was cancelled too as the 2 girls were tired so they headed back to Bukit Batok where they slept and was suppose to wake up at 5pm so they can catch the 7.30pm night safari but everyone overslept.
I was already on my way home when Cat called to say they are at home....the children were still a bit grouchy so we just went down to the neighbourhood makan place for our dinner.The girls doesn't want to eat all they want is to sleep and once Robert finished his meal he took the girls back first whilst Cat and myself enjoyed our rojak buah,tahu goreng and soto ayam.
When we got home the girls didn't sleep but was watching cartoon network instead....I hope by tomorrow they will be back to normal.

Well its good bye to Cat cat and family and I am sorry I can't see you guys off as I have to be in school being 2nd day of the new term.
Cath it has been nice having you and family to stay with me and if I don't make a good hostess please excuse yah.Should you want to come again you are most welcome:)
I know someone in KL couldn't wait to see cat cat and family ...okie she will be yours soon and hope the bloggers meeting will be successful.
22 comments: wonder...I was looking out for the 2 lovely girls but could not see any. Sorry to have miss you!
where were you looking for them?they did go to the market in the morning ...
kesiannya the girls...jetlag belum habis dah kena travel lagik...mesti kenangan manis kakelle dpt jumpa cat cat n family kan..
Amboi kak elle...
Seronoknya jumpa dengan cat tu, ekk. Budak2 tu nampak memang cute..
Ceria selalu....
Memang nampak penat sikecik2 yang comel tu..kesian..
bloggers meet kat KL tu pasti gempak...
Hehehe...kak patutlah gambar2 bebudak tu nampak ngantuk je...masih jetlag lagi ye...?
Kesian diorang...yelah...baru sampai...letih lagi tu...
Kak Elle,
I heard they are going to Batam and I went to Batam yesterday with a friend. So I kept a look out for her at the ferry terminal and favourite spots in Batam.
mmg happy dpt jumpa cat cat and family..
by today hopefully battery dah recharge:)
Kak Elle,
Thank you so very much for letting us stay in your house. We all had a great time and hopefully we will meet again someday....
Pssstt - Cath nampak gemok in the picture taken with you... Huhuhu!!!
they are cute girls...happy dapat jumpa mereka.
mungkin badly affected dgn the long flight yg makan hampir 28 jam tu..kalau tak agak ligat kan?
maklang tak join ke bloggers meeting tu?
salang saya pun mengantok ptg2 apa lagi budak dua tu kan?
rancangan tergantung lah..nasib baik kalau tak cam mana nak dokong budak2 dua tu.
you are most welcome anytime you are around this place do come and stay again.I enjoyed having you guys except sorry lah school has begun otherwise can lepak with you guys.
hug and kisses to the girls.
wah, cath dah tak malu2 nak tunjuk muka. dulu punya lah susah nak tenguk muka diakan.
alright cath, we are all looking forward to meet you tomorrow.
kak elle,
i am taking the batton from you.
skg dah slim bolih tunjuk muka lah...hehehe..jgn mare huh cath.
ok the team relay is now all yours:)
Kak Elle.. tomorrow's is Arif's bd kalau bawak dia ok boleh lama chat ngan cath kalau tak bawak i have to rush home to bring the bd cake for him..
happy birthday untuk Arif..apa kata beli kek tu mlm ni jadi esok sya bolih lama sikit ngan cath.
Wow Kak Elle, reading this entry and the past few entries, it seems you have had an eventful week. Macam-macam activities and get-togethers, makan-makan and running around. Plus your own jetlag, and back to work. Mana you dapat all the energy?
So much fun kan? meeting friends you made through blogging.
how I survive all that god knows:)
it was nice meeting cat cat and family.
and thank god its going to be a long weekend too bolih lah recharge my batteries to get back the energy....hahaha
Wah, memang slim cath tu, tahniah buat dia dia yang buktikan dia boleh slim... kesian jetlag kalau balik dari states memang teruk sebab memang exactly 11/12 hours bezanya , hope by tomorrow semua dah okay ... have fun to all of you in KL... jelesnya rasa hati ini...huhuhu.
mmg salang saya ni mkn 2 hari baru steady apa lagi budak 2 tu kan?
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