When they arrived sunday morning at 2.15am ... so say the clock at the wall ... both with tired faces....hehe

At breakfast of nasi lemak fresh looking maybe tengok makanan ..... hahaha.....

Borrowed from cat's camera .... Ms A @ Pahlawan Beach Sentosa.
Cat want to bring me out for dinner but since the children were all tired and the jetlag has step in I told her eat we have balance of nasi lemak and I fried mee for dinner .....
Both no mood because they were waken up for dinner .... seeing is believing ... no camera trick .... hahaha ...
But after a good night sleep this morning at breakfast ............. they woke up early....
The adorable cheeky look is back .....
and that adorable smile too .........

Gave them 2 giant pencils before I left for work ....
Gave them 2 giant pencils before I left for work ....
and today they have planned to visit a relative and then to do some sight seeing before going to the Night Safari.
Hmmm...layanan 6* and they're feeling home...:)))
6*??? hehehe ntah ler tu kena tanya cat cat and R:)
memang cute miss A&E...wahhh,everyday ada special gift ek for the kids..syioknye.
since I have the pencils why not bagi kat dia org kan..berseri sikit muka:)
tergelak tengok gambar the 2 girls monyok menghadap dinner hehehe soo adorable
tu lah compare smlm ngan pagi ni berbeza kan...haha
kak elle bukan budak2 je muka cam tu kalau dikejutkan penat... muka kita yg dewasa ni pun sama
kalau yg dewasa tu mmg tak nak bangun lansung di kejutkan...tengok si Emma muncung kelakar jugak.
Kak Elle,
Aduh, masamnya muka si MsE at dinner table... I apologize on their behalf for not behaving ya.... Both were missing out on those delicious mee goreng.
Hahaha...tgk muka si MsE tu...kene kejut dari bangun tidor memang sah mood dia tak elok...
Kak...mee goreng tu berselera aje anie tengok...yummy...anie ni hantu mee tau....
Ms A tu memang manis dengan senyumannya
muncung sungguh miss E, letihnyaaa
no worries they were all tired and whats more with the jetlag...
kita pun kalau di kejut suruh makan pun agak gitu juga kan?
oh anie hantu mee ye?ok tau lah saya apa nak jamu nanti...hahaha
jetlag mereka sampai terbawak sampai hari ni..kesian bila ptg aje melentok semua nya.
salam kak elle....i've been ur silent reader for quite a while...
i enjoy your blog coz it's full of yummylicious foods and bootylicious people and fantalicious places...
comel nya bila merajuk hehe
thank you for being my silent reader why not reveal yourself ya...
do keep coming you are most welcome:)
Hazwan macam tu kalau merajuk?haha
budak2 tu di bangunkan untuk makan mlm yelah badan ngan jetlag katakan.
Eh..Catcat did not go to Batam? I was looking out for her at the ferry terminal and Batam too..
tak jadi pergi nasib baik kalau tak budak2 tido terok nanti.
Senyum tengok wajah2 those girls, tapi tetap comel jugak walaupun mengantuk :)
hehe you tak nampak jelingan si Emma bukan main lagi...hehe
Kak Elle, husband Neeza baca blog ni semalam.. dia tengok mee tu.. dia kata, sedapnya Neeza!!!! Neeza tengok kejap ni.. memang nampak sedapppp.. nak la jugak... kalau Neeza pergi sana, kak Elle masak ye ;)
alamak tuan rumah pun baca blog akak ye malu nya...
insya'allah neeza bolih masak kan tapi bila ye neeza nak mai?
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