Lehmann Dr .... this is where the Lehmann brothers stay eh?....hehehe...the crumbles of the world economy.... road signs are this style.

Maria 2 cars garage plus their golf buggy.

The rich live in this kind of house ....

While the poor Mexican live here.....

A golf course opposite the house and that's John (in short) with his friends ....

Sunset from Maria's place...

Deer coming into the garden to look for food .... all the grass are dry so most of Maria's plants eaten by them.

Buffaloes berkubang on dry land.

Deer again in backyard looking at me.

Kristina's cat Lucy.

A herd of them not far from Maria's place.
Batam from the coach ......

I was sleeping most time whilst in the coach so miss a few interesting shots.

Took this shot when we had the seafood dinner before taking the ferry back to Singapore.

I was sleeping most time whilst in the coach so miss a few interesting shots.

Took this shot when we had the seafood dinner before taking the ferry back to Singapore.
Kak...cantik sungguh tempat maria tinggal kan? Nampak aman aje...
Rusa masuk sampai depan rumah...jinaknya...
Masa akak pi Batam tu akak masih jetlag lagik kan...tu yang akak terlelap masa dlm perjalanan tu...nanti bolehlah upload gambar lagik...
all the pictures in States buatkan neeza, for the 100th times, feels like going there again, kak elle :)
donno when sebab the kids are still small.
gambar kat Batam tu macam quite opposite kan.. anyway, I luurrrvveeeee the fish yang banyak banyak tuuuu... kalau dapat pegang kan best :D
aha tempat rumah Maria sungguh aman dan sunyi kalau tak kereta mengah naik bukit..public transport takde...
Rusa2 kat sana merata kalau nampak kita dia lari...byk road sign mengata Rusa Crossing...hahaha
Betul masa ke Batam amsih jetlag bab tertido dlm coach cuma itu aje yg dapat tangkap.
mengenang US ye?pergi lah bila budak2 dah besar sikit and by then dpt kumpul $$ untuk satu family pergi.
Batam tu bila kat kpg2 macam kita 40-50 tahun dulu kot.
Ikan2 tu berkumpul bila di beri amkan roti.
Biarlah dah bertahun lamanya tinggalkan states tapi saya tetap sukakan US, suasananya memang cantik, tak kira di bandar atau di desa .Seronok Maria dapat tinggal di kawasan yang sungguh segar .
betul tu pandangan cipta Nya sungguh cantik...
di mana dia tinggal cuma ada population 20 ribu sahja bab tu tak kotor dan alam tak tercemar.
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