After lunch we go home .... hehehe .... home sweet home ..... and a long weekend before we start again next wednesday ......... yippee!!!
The mandarin oranges I have now at home this is after I gave half to the cleaner ...thinking that she didn't get any:(rupa nya dah di bagi 1 kotak juga)..takpe I pun tak bolih habis makan sorang2.

The celebration start off with the lion dance .... wow grand huh? first time mah celebrate CNY at the school.
They announced at assembly yesterday we suppose to wear red but I didn't get the message and poor me actually bought a new red top but turn for work all in white.....sob..sob....Then it was followed by a concert performed by the students ... I went up to watch for a while and left after I took some pictures for the fashion parade and since I didn't stay I don't know who is the winner.

Wrapping the oranges contest by the classes .... very cute and the best joke is from 4V just 2 oranges with the good luck stickers ..... hahaha
Aha Reggie and Johsua ...

Some of the students in their fashion parade costumes .....
Aunty nurse with the hongbao man ...Aditya.
Dhalberg as an ox .....
Then at 12 noon the makan began ..............

Table setting at the canteen ............

Table setting at the canteen ............

The lo hei ..............

My table ................

Steamboat lunch .......... its been a long time since I had steamboat ... so sedapppppppppp

Then its more oranges been given away again .... the principal Dr J Barrett personally go round the table and give each of us a bag of the oranges.

My table ................

Steamboat lunch .......... its been a long time since I had steamboat ... so sedapppppppppp

Then its more oranges been given away again .... the principal Dr J Barrett personally go round the table and give each of us a bag of the oranges.
To all my chinese friends .............
Cong Xi Fa Cai ...
Cong Xi Fa Cai ...
Kak...Meriah sungguh suasana kat sekolah tu ye...
Rajin akak mengambil photo....hehehe...sempat lagi bergambar kakak ku ini...
I suka warna merah bila CNY sebab terserlah kemeriahannya :)
Limau mandarin kegemaran Zaid, sempat dia makan sebelum balik hari tu sebab kat sana tak de limau mandarin , selalu I beli saiz L sebab kalau yang S kadang2 masam.
first time celebrate CNY kat sekolah sungguh meriah and class...
saya suka klip-klip gambar...hahaha
saya beli baju blouse merah tapi msg tak sampai kat saya mmg tergerak nak tanya tapi lupa...jadi hari ni saya pakai putih adoiiiiiiiiii
Macam arwah bapak saya pun suka mandarin oranges ..mmg tiap2 tahun saya beli tapi tahun ni murah rezeki di sekolah seme bagi ooranges.
sedapnya makan steambot.. ingat ummi tak masa makan tu?
simpan orange tu sampai ummi datang sg ya. bila tu entahlah :)
suka steamboat juga ye?buat sendiri lagi muai ummi semua bolih makan ramai2.
Bila tu nak dtg?takut limau tu nanti kecut plak and jadi kering.
Happy Holiday kak,
semalam coklat, hari ni limau, balance arrr, buang lemak yang terkumpul semalam, he, he.....
meriahnya sambutan kat sekolah kak Elle and semuanya sporting habis..
tapi neeza suka tengok buah limau tu.. hehehe.. nak sikit ;)
happy holidays untuk zany juga ye...cuti pnajang tak kemana2 ke?
chocolate belum buka lagi...jom kita mkn sama.
mmg meriah neeza kat sekolah ni...
nak orange mari lah:)
kak, alang-alang dah 2 kali ajak tu, simpan tau sampai saya ke sana, .....**bila tu?, tak kiralah setahun, 2 tahun lagi?
ha, ha.....jangan buka ekkk****
saya jalan dekat2 je kot, kerja sekolah diperingkat hujung2 ni, bzzzzzzz walaupun cuti
nampak meriah majlis tu... nak tumpang ucap selamat tahun baru cina kepada semua yg merayakan nya...
kalau 1-2 tahun baik saya beli yg baru kan?
cong xi fa cai untuk semua:)
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