Yesterday we had BBQ by the pool side at my sis Lina's place to celebrate Nana's 10th birthday and plenty of food to go round.The siblings get together again just after last saturday at Aini's to welcome Maria and John arrival.

This was taken last saturday 10th Jan at Aini's terrace thats the Jellanies siblings plus John.

Last night BBQ let the pictures do the talking .... plenty of food too and I brought back kuih lopes and epok2 for Cat cat to try.
Cikmilah rezeki cath kan dapat juga mencuba kuih cara lauk tu.

Here they are the adorable children Ms A & E and of course their pretty mother too.

Mr R engrossed on my old lappie Mr Toshiba yg sudah di repair.

I managed to dish up nasi lemak for breakfast and at Cath's request sambal udang too .... ummi so yummylicious lah....hahaha the girls had cereals.

Cikmilah and wanmommy saya dah peluk and ciumkan budak 2 ni for both of you kira2 dah jalankan amanah ye .... hehehe
Oh no it has been a week of eating non stop for me hmm... no wonder my pants getting tight now....hahaha
This was taken last saturday 10th Jan at Aini's terrace thats the Jellanies siblings plus John.

Last night BBQ let the pictures do the talking .... plenty of food too and I brought back kuih lopes and epok2 for Cat cat to try.
I got home around 11 plus and must stay awake for Cath and family and at 1.15am she called to say they have arrived and waiting for luggages and will take the cab staright to my place.In the meanwhile I got the kettle on to make a cup of coffee incase I zzz while waiting.
Finally at 2am they arrive @ my pigeon hole .... the girls are cute as seen on her blog.
Cath is so slim ni buat I jelesssssssss .... BUT now with all the yummy food she is going to eat .... kah kah kah she is expecting to get 10 lbs back.
Robert is easy to get along too and they make a pretty 2.15am I serve them fruit juice and kuih cara lauk that I did earlier to bring to my sis place and the epok2 I tapau from Lina's place. I offered them the 2 rooms one for them and the other for the girls but they insist to sleep in one room all 4 of them on that king size bed....well ... the 6 luggages sleep in the spare room though:)

Here they are the adorable children Ms A & E and of course their pretty mother too.
Mr R engrossed on my old lappie Mr Toshiba yg sudah di repair.
I managed to dish up nasi lemak for breakfast and at Cath's request sambal udang too .... ummi so yummylicious lah....hahaha the girls had cereals.
They have left for Orchard Road and then after to Sentosa for the day and we will meet for dinner if they are back in time.
Cikmilah and wanmommy saya dah peluk and ciumkan budak 2 ni for both of you kira2 dah jalankan amanah ye .... hehehe
till my next entry....................
Food fiesta, sedap semuanya tu...
Cat boleh take 6 kuih cara in one go; macam yg dia cakap tu ke..
hehehe..makan Cat, KakElle masak mana boleh resist! Balik US nanti re-start the diet programme!!!
she is prepared to put on 10 lbs whilst here on holiday...
dah makan kuih cara byk juga and R pun makan sama.
adoi mak.. cath your diet will go haywire.. apalagi dengan masakan kak elle tu yang sedap...
kak elle, tak pe i get to smell the nasi lemak thru the sms dah..hahaha
hehe delicious kan nasi lemak tu I and R tambah tapi cat malu2 tapi makan kuih lopes...haha
Tak sabar nak jumpa Cat2... kak elle send my regards to Cat.
tak lama you pun leh jumpa dia and family...
ok nanti dia balik I sampaikan salam tu ye?
burrpp.....kenyang tgk pic,kalu dpt makan betul..perghhh sure tersadai atas sofa lepas mkn...huhu (jeless kat cath sebenarnye nie..hehe)
meriah umah kak elle ngan tetamu cute-miut,slim-melim n ensem-mencem tu..hehe,regards to them.
wadoi la nie yg tak tahan tengok blog kakelle penuh ngan gambar foods yang semuanya tempting looking nie hahahaha...terus i jadik lapor tau..
wah soooo cutee la those two girls..ikut cat n hubby la tu...hehehe
seronoknya dapat jumpa Cat..maklang masih tak ada rezeki lagi..mintak Cat makankan sambal udang and lauk akak yang sedap2 tu untuk maklang ye...
cium Ms A & E tu on my behalf and salam to the parents...
eh ehhh, Miss A & E dah ada dengan kak elle, cutenya. Tambah ramai lagilah anak-anak akak ye.
Kak...Happy Belated Birthday to Nana....
Kak Elle ni buat anie jeles tau...dah dpt cium MsE dah... balik sini memanglah boleh naik berkilo2...mana boleh tolak makanan2 yang dirindukan bertahun2 tu...
alhamdulillah you dah kenyang tengok gambar2 ni...hehehe
the girls are really cute tau..
dah kenyang belum?kalau belum mai lah akak belanja makan:)
both girls ada mixture ibu bapak.
ok nanti saya suruh makan kan untuk maklang ye?
peluk cium untuk budak2 kena tunggu depa balik dr sentosa.
aha meriah anak2 sedara baru cyber ni kan?
nanti bukan cat aje yg naik kg saya pun yg belum berhenti makan sejak balik...
jgn jeles nanti bila anie jumpa mereka minggu depan cium mereka sekuat2 nya tau...hahaha
Harini saya teramat busy, finally dapat juga masuk blog akak , rupanya my two little cute princesses are with you now, macam tak percaya je diaorang dah ada dekat dengan kita semua ... gomol diaorang lagi ye..geramnya... mana gambar that slim cath, nak jugak tengok ... lusa baru boleh online balik, esok umair nak balik dah...waaaaaaaaaaaaaa .
dah peluk cium skg nak gomol plak...hahaha
slim mummy kena tunggu next posting ye?..
uwahhhhhhh Umair dah nak balik...sedeh nya saya belum sempat pun nak gomol dia.
kak elle...lupe nk bgtau td,patutnye masak sambal udang PETAI...hahaha,bley tgk mr R geleng-geleng kepala...hehe.
amboi best nya makan makan... lain kali jemput la org KL hehe
sori ah yg masak pun tak makan petai.
cepat2 buat lebuhraya direct ke sg dlm 1 jam nanti bolih lah join sama makan makan ye...hehehe
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