Slip in with heel support padding as recommended by orthopaedic docs ...

Someone ask what I buy for the boys and menfolks back home? Well for them notning but tee shirts and caps but won't show the pictures 'takut ada yg berkenan nanti'....hahahaha
Kristina and Robert came to visit yesterday and I dish out some malay recipes for all of us to eat and Maria and me went down to the supermart whilst John was busy attending to the gardening....

Besides going for golf this is what he will do - gardening....all the trees died during winter and the soil get frozen so he is changing new soil.
For lunch I cook mee rebus ... bought the taucu when we were at Austin the other day from the Asian supermart .....
The mee rebus turns out good but would have been better if we have that'udang geragau' the tatse will be real yummyyyyyyyyy..... instead of mee kuning I use the egg noodle.

Then for dinner I cook beef curry and sambal prawns to eat with rice ... 4got to take pictures of the curry and I can see Robert and Kristina really enjoying them same goes to John and Maria ... chef kak elle was smiling ear 2 ear of course ....

The sambal prawns using thet pedasssssss cili from thailand ... infact I also cook sambal tumis udang 2 days ago buy couldn't it at all too spicy hot that it burns our tongues so this time had to reduce the cili.
till my next entry............
wah chef dah turun padang.. ermm mesti sedapkan sebab chef nya jauh datang tu .. that mee rebus nampak sedap lah sangat..
wallaaaa, sedang tunjuk skill ye kak,syiokkk kena puji, senyum sampai ke telinga lagi. mee rebus nampak sedap sungguh.
bila masak bukan dapur sendiri mmg kekok banyak penonton dan lagi tak sama mcm dapur sendiri kan?hmm kat sini tak guna msg lansung...
senyum tak habis agak kalau tak sedap pun di kata sedap pasal kali pertama mencuba...hahaha
tengok lah mlm ni makan besar ada 4-5 dishes nak buat.
sedap nampak udang tu jugak...bila nak masak udang bercili ni...
maklang masak memang tak pernah guna msg...tak reti...
cili udang biasa aje nak cuba cili nya tapi terlampau pedas cilinthailand ni.
Amboi kak elle...cayalah...masakan Kak Elle dah sampai ke USA tu...hebat..but seriously your sambal udang mmg sedap!
Mesti seronok Maria dan family dapat makan masakan akak yang datang dari jauh .
Dulu masa kat States I selalu jugak masak guna cili dari Thai tu tapi memang letak sikit aje sebab pedasnya terlampau , eeemmm sedapnya makan-makan.
Kak Elle jangan sampai di offer bukak restoren kat sana.. nanti tak balik nanti ke SG
wah kak elle sempat jadik chef lagik ek masa holiday tu..nampak yummy la ittew mee rebus...guna taucu ker?? sedapnnyyaa
waahh.. so yummilicious..!!
got the kacang pool & talcum oredi from maklang.. tq so so much..!!!
Wah!! Chef dari singapore dah tunjuk skill lah...nanti diorang pasti rindu dgn masakan akak...
Psst!! Mee rebus tu nampak sedap....yummy
hahaha cili prawns mana2 pun sama asal cukup garam/gula...
mmg cili tahi ni pedas nya bukan main lagik..
balik tak kerasan saya di sini....hehe
masak untuk adik and family...ya guna taucu untuk mee rebus tu.
ok dah dapat ye finally:)
haha impot chef dah terkenal ni skg cam mana?
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