At last I can add more pictures of the Batam Staff Conference ........... jetlag dah ok ... hehehe

Our principal Dr John Barrett giving his speech and 10 points for us to work on.

Dr Toke a child physcologist giving his view and speech .......

Part of Dr Toke speech is lesson to understand a child's need and test of our response ... try if you can put through that satay stick right through the balloon without bursting it...... yeah we did it!!!

Our aim ...........

Discussing amongst group (2nd day late afternoon *I do look tired-due to jetlag*)

To unwind we played game - thats me in pink first day still fresh .. my team 'penguin' looking for the family members we not allowed to talk but just to show action to gather our family members...8 in a family...we managed to get all 8.

Looks like the tigers looking for their family members too.
The smiling guides who was with us the 2 days we were there ...

10 minutes walk from the resort we found this beautiful place ..... its a shame we have no time to explore the place.

Our principal Dr John Barrett giving his speech and 10 points for us to work on.

Dr Toke a child physcologist giving his view and speech .......

Part of Dr Toke speech is lesson to understand a child's need and test of our response ... try if you can put through that satay stick right through the balloon without bursting it...... yeah we did it!!!

Our aim ...........

To unwind we played game - thats me in pink first day still fresh .. my team 'penguin' looking for the family members we not allowed to talk but just to show action to gather our family members...8 in a family...we managed to get all 8.

Looks like the tigers looking for their family members too.

Taxi at resort compound.

10 minutes walk from the resort we found this beautiful place ..... its a shame we have no time to explore the place.
Till my next trip to Batam .......
nampak fun je , penguin buat macamana ye , nak guna bahasa pingu tak boleh ke ??
nampak meriah.. semuga tercapai matlamat ke sana.. kalau tak kena lah pegi lagi hehe
bestnya ada program cam ni, provided the facilitator tu interesting and buat something yang lain dari biasa.. nampak macam enjoy tapi since kak elle still jet lag, tak dapat enjoy 100% kot..
anyway, being in Batam dah enjoyable enough kot kak elle ya.. ;)
the first day in the afternoon we had some group game.
tak bolih buka mulut jadi guna bahasa body language:)
insya'allah tu lah goal kami supaya berjaya.
ya ampun kalau pergi lagi nak resort yg ada kemudahan lift for the conference room penat tau naik tangga turun tangga nak heret luggage lagi sebelum check in..dah lah jetlag!!!hehehe
i can imagine aunty nurse using body language.. i am sure you had fun kan.
hehe my body language semua bergegar nnt....hahaha
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