I am back to loneliness again - the house will be quiet once again ... no breakfast to prepare - nampak cereal yg I beli akan duduk kat situ sampai bila ler tu. Instead of 1 pot of coffee now back to 1 mug for myself.
This morning before I go to work I managed to hug them goodbye and snapped some more pictures with them and here they are ............
Ummi they are all yours for your get together hope you guys will have a good time and hope the girls are ok too not cranky with the effect of jetlag....tapikan ummi I had 4 days of them (tu pun macam tak cukup).... hahahaha ... jgn marah just pulling your leg.
jealousnya dengan Kak Elle dah dapat peluk the 2 cute girls!!
nak lah jugakkkk..
mesti akan rindu dengan Cath and family kan..
Miss E tu mukanya macam naughty je kan, suka tengok dia muncung, cute je.
Best kak, rumah kak jadi istana hinggap untuk tetamu2 istemewa. Seronok selalu OK.
Kak...esok kalau takde aral melintang harap harap dpt jumpa mereka.
Betul kata zany...MsE tu nampak nakal...heheheh...
Kak Elle, looks like u had a fun couple of days, tak lonely kan!? And that mee goreng and nasi lemak, alahai drooling mush..... Takpe insyaAllah tahun ni kita visit rumah Kak Elle, we can taste that mee goreng heheheheh The girls looks absolute gorgeous = ) I am sure u r gonna miss them....
hehehe tomorrow insyaallah our chance to gomol2 the two kids pulak. i have spoken to cath this evening and to a few of the bloggers.. will upload the photo for your tatapan pulak. jangan lupa bawa camera dah lah.
jgn jeles gi gomol si kecik kat rumah tu Shumeyya pun cute kan?hehe
Ms E mmg nakal suka jeling2 kalau di tegurkan...cheeky look compared ngan Ms.A orang nya lemah lembut.
alhamdulillah dapat gak berjumpa mereka nanti.
Budak2 anie mesti ler nakal kan?
please come and visit me when you balik ye?nak mee goreng ye ok that will be on the menu.
aha miss them I find the house too quiet now after 4 days with them.
I pass the baton to you and they are all yours for the night.
Yes please upload pictures so I can see the other bloggers *macam lah I kenal*...hehehe
I pulak rasa sedih cat cat dah balik dan menuju ke Malaysia, tambah sedih tak de chance nak jumpa mereka semua dan kiss those cute girls... serah kat ummi and the gang tolong gomol kejap budak2 comel tu :)
kalau nak bolih gak drive ke KL hari ni:)bolih gomol budak2 tu sendiri...hehehe
you sedih I kesunyian pulak...
yelaa...tak ada chance nak ke KL..macam Rina jugak. Kalau waktu wiken ada jugak saya di sana, InsyaAllah..tapi seme orang dah tak ada..hu..hu...
Sian akak kesunyian...tapi mesti ramai yang akan singgah kat rumah akak cuti sekolah nanti...
cuti sekolah bia?
mungkin saya balik balik adik untuk sementara dan kalau kerasan tinggal sana ...
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