It has been a cold day throughout we went to the supermart to get last minute stuff for our gathering and I've been busy cooking for about 4 hours as I have to make way for John to do his dessert kuih dadar.It was a busy day for John and Maria cleaning too 'macam nak raya pulak'.... hehehe
John invited his golf kakis (pakcik2 ni tak kira panas atau sejuk selalu di golf course depan rumah) and whose wives are Maria's friends too ''all retirees" (persara2 yg pandai mengisi masa - mcm2 activities mereka buat-malu saya) they play golf ,tennis,yoga,dancing classes,walking and doing own gardening.Such a happy life as I can see it all with big houses with none of the children living with them..... kenapa kita tak bolih buat mcm tu ye? berat tulang agak nya nak jln 1 batu pun tak larat (ni cakap diri sendiri ye).

The table settings .... split into 2 dining rooms .... and I learnt that husbands and wives are separated Maria and I are in the main dining room whilst John in the breakfst room... Maria kata so they don't cling to each other and have time talking to different people.The plates are set with their names written on each so its like musical chairs .... hahaha .... when it comes for food go look for your plate.

The appetiser ikan bilis goreng kacang using the mexican cili kering and my only disappointment the ikan bilis tak garing lemau je maybe the cold weather kot.
What did chef queen elle cook?????.................. here they are...........

Beef curry cooked on saturday evening so that it taste better the next day ( hehe actually also wanted Kristina and Robert to try).

Lamb satay goreng....

Cili prawns

and finally fried bee hoon.

The dessert tart nenas,cempedak and kuih dadar done by John.

Beef curry cooked on saturday evening so that it taste better the next day ( hehe actually also wanted Kristina and Robert to try).

Black pepper prawns with capsicum for those who doesn't take spicy food.

Lamb satay goreng....

Cili prawns

and finally fried bee hoon.

The dessert tart nenas,cempedak and kuih dadar done by John.

The guests 5 couples who are indeed very beautiful and friendly people who enjoyed my cooking and hasn't stop praising me all night ( happy sokmo den).... haha and surprisingly they all can take hot spicy food.

With the group ..... and Judy there's enough room for you and Jim if you were here.

For remembrance with the ladies Ann,Trish,Linda,Lisa,Judy,Maria and me.

With the group ..... and Judy there's enough room for you and Jim if you were here.
It was a successful dinner and I am glad to make new friends in this place called Kerville-Texas.
Kak elle,
you look so glamorous and pretty in the photos.. frankly look 10 years younger.. bukan bodek ya....hahaha..
patutlah i rasa lapar je semalam.. rupanya ada makanan sedap kat texas tu..
looks like everybody had fun there!
kak seems like you are having a BLASTing time!!! I am so happy for you...
wahhh saya suka kuih hijau gulung2 tu...apa ek namanye??
rasanya kuih ketayap ek!
saya kagum dengan kemahiran John memasak...
Kak..mmg nampak so glamorous!! Macam yang kita nampak kat drama tv tu....Jealous dengan cara hidup mereka kan???
Pandainya John buat Kuih dadar tu...
menganga mulut tgk makanan yang you masak tu....sedap nya..pasti masa time sejuk kat sana bertambah lah sedap nya.
and you too...anggun gitu...
have a nice day!!
TQ mesti maintain vogue kan...hehe...baju tu baru beli kat JCPenny $14.90 on sale
Didn't know u pandai bodek???ada apa2 kah.....hahaha...jgn marah gurau se3nda ek.
the food were huge success dpt pujian tak berhenti atau mereka tak tau apa rasa sebetul....hehehe
Yes am having a great time here inspite of below zero temperature whole of yesterday and this morning...sejuk giler.
Kuih yg itu malaysia panggil kuih ketayap and singaporean panggil kuih dadar...John expert buat kuih ni same as english crepe.
alamak entry kali ni dapat byk pujian pulak tadi ummi365 ni u plak...TQ..TQ..kata nenek vogue and groovy kan....hehe
yes kalau letak John ngan singaporean husband I agak mereka kalah he is all rounder:)walaupun berpangkat senior geologist kerja rumah tak di abaikan no perentah2 semua buat sendiri...haha
mungkin nampak sedap aje:)
ni dah 3 org memuji saya dlm 4 yg dah komen*tersenyum kambing*saya....hahaha
JC Penny? tempat i selalu beli baju lepas tu bergambar and pulangkan balik... hahaha zaman nakal masa study dulu..shhhhh
Seronoknya akak kat sana, baik diaorang semua mahu cuba masakan timur yang pedas .
Sedap nampak lamb satay tu dan juga kuih tart ... mulalah nak makan aje ni :)
Kak Elle .. cempedak goreng pun ada? cam jamuan kat Malaysia Singapore aje..
Tapi tang buat kuih dadar tu sya pun leh malu ngan John.. pandai dia
tiba tiba , perut pB berbunyi bunyi minta diisi ....
sungguh menyelerakan semua masakan tu
so ulah the culprit eh?
tu lah ingat tak pandai mkn pedas rupa nya hantu pedas maybe mexican food kan spicy
saya pun kagum tau dah lah hari tu John buat kek b'day Kristina siap dgn icing sekali.
alamak dah ada org lapar ni....
Kak Elle,
agaknya sebab cuaca sejuk tu yang depa semua bleh makan spicy food...kasi panas badan hehehe
aduss...malu i ngan john tu...i pong tak reti masak kuih ketayap huhuhu
Amboi kak, tengok kan food fiesta ni,ada chance tahun depan dapat sponsor air ticket gi Kerville lagi.. he he he..semua orang nak makan sedap lagi next year...
saya pun malu suja sebab saya tak tak reti buat kuih dadar.
hahahha...mereka ada tanya bila saya nak mai lagi?jawapan nya maybe 10 yrs time!!alhamdullilah kalaunada yg nak sponsor.
thank you for remembering my birthday and having a party for me. Looked like lots of fun and thanks for the photos. we will be in KL in December 2009 and hope you can come down to visit. help us celebrate our 25th anniversary:)
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