anyway since its simple enough here it is ...

The front view ....

Why I like this wallet even though I have a dozen .. yes you heard right a dozen of them ... because of its compartments.

Whats in my wallet? of course cards credit cards.. ATM card... discount cards ..... and my I card.

US dollars since I just got back from there .....

and of course Sing dollars for daily expenses.
I bought this Roxy wallet when I was on holiday in Perth Australia
How much?I think its about A$40/-
Sorry forgot to snap picture of me and wallet but IC photo is there .. bolih kan?

I am thinking of changing to either one of the above wallets .... any one keen to buy them over?
Kak..I chop yang merah tu...
Qty : 2 nos.
Kak, what choice do I have , I take the monogram one lah!
benda ada satu u nak 2..macam mana ni? tengok kalau i bolih magic eh....
happy happy happy ...jawapan nora tu .. lepas tu boleh buat tag lagik guna si merah lak
nak juga ye? adoiiiiiii
haha .... nora baca tak? you next buat tag.
ape2 pun pic dlm wallet tu mmg Vouge..huhu.
gambar pulak yg you tengok eh...hehe..vogue habis kan?
I nampak barang2 dalam purse tu aje, banyaknya akak bawak cash dalam tu, bahaya jugak tu ..kalau nak tukar purse I rasa yang merah tu lebih menawan , padan dengan kulit akak yang cerah .
hai kak Elle,
amboi banyak nya duit tu,,,
dalam purse saya banyak duit besi jer..hahaha
Have a nice weekend.
kekadang mcm tu lah isi dlm bag tu sampai tak bolih nak button.
ok merah menawan untuk saya ye?
at least mesti ada $100.00 nnt balik singgah supermart ke singgah shopping ke...hahaa
saya memang suka purse merah atau hitam. saya jenis yang tukar hanya bila yang ada takleh guna. Baru ni nekrock sales purse LC tu, nak beli, purse sekarang elok lagi.
Kak banyaknya wallet...cantik plak tu...anie suka yang merah...heheheh
oh nekrock ada LC wallet ye?nanti pi tengok.
nampak banyak yang suka wallet merah.
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