What's under the sea if not for sea food again.Last night the 3 of us went for sea food dinner at Chai Chee Restaurant with our special guest mak andeh who happen to be here in Singapore for a meeting.She told me of her coming a week ago and hope to catch up with me,nora and doc adah.Only adah and me able to meet her Nora has other commitments ..... and this is first time meeting this most admired blogger by some.She is a private person so no photos ye except for the food ... hahaha .....

cili prawns ...

see how big that prawn is .... damn big I tell you ... puas mkn satu .....
I didn't take much picture just those 2 .... beside those we also had groupa tiga rasa,hot plate tofu and soup of sea food with tofu and sayur asin.Kenyang habis woo ... and I tapu back the cili crabs .... hehehe
To MA thanks for meeting us at least now when I read your entries I know who the writer is :)
Satu lagi kelebihan alam maya, minggu lalu akak ke Kl minggu ni MA turun ke SG pulak dan dapat bertemu in person rakan2 yang sebelum ini tidak dikenali wajahnya.
Udang tu ....yummmyyyyyyy.
alhamdulillah kami berdua selalu berselisih jln tapi akhir nya dapat berjumpa juga.
hmmm....kita bila pulak nak jumpa?
Adoi adoi adoi.. Seksanya tengok cili crab... Udang besar tu Cath boleh telan 5 sekali yo... :D
I pun suka sea food. Week end ni 'on' ke? Hope I can make it.
Taking photo is one thing I dread when I meet bloggers.. next time I should be like MA so that tak ada bat on my eyes
Kak Elle & Adah
Thanks for the dinner and the lovely gifts.
More later.
Wow sedappppppppp nya.. ke blog kak anie, ada nasik lemak.. ke blog kak elle ada ketammmmmmmm Adoiiiiiii terasa laparrrr pula nih...
ramai juga bloggers yang kak elle baru jumpa ya, bertambah ramai kawankan. Next week, ada rezeki kita jumpa ya, tak boleh confirm lagi, tengah pening kepala nak settle banyak bende.
Seronoknya jumpa kawan blogger kan kak...
the ketam and the udang...terliur i..awww..
kak elee..
kalau macam ni punya makanan,,aiyooo..my blood will go upstairs laaa...
kak Elle.
Yummynya..i love seafood very much la..nasib baik paras kolestrol bertahan.
Btw, tak dapat lagi nak jumpa kak elle weekend ni..frust..frust..
Kak...hehehe...dpt amik gambar makanan aje ye...hmmm...udang tu memang menyelerakan...besat gitu...
kita tak sempat makan cili crabs when u r here kan?
kita geng eh sama star lagik...hehe
yes masih on nanti kita jumpa ok?
tapi bulu mata u tu kan takde org yg ada tau bukan main lentik sekali...hehe
its our pleasure meeting you smlm.
dah makan belum?
make urself free lah .. tak nak jumpa akak ke?
jom join sama jumpa bloggers.
haha bukan you aje saya pun.
bvelum ada rezeki lagi ek..
dah tau andeh tak suka publicity jadi amek gambar makanan aje:)
nasib baik dah kenyang.. hehe
hehee...dah pukul 10 mlm kan mesti dah makan.
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