Not so soon kena isi pocket first penuh2 baru bolih kesana lagi ......
Since I find time was not enough cikmilah and me with suhaila and mas sat at starbuck for a cool drink and extend our meeting there ... then followed by ummi365 but she didn't stay long as the 2 at home have no food for dinner.
Here we are with our most needed cold drinks after all the yak..yak... kat dalam tadi....hahaha...
I left with my 2 escorts for Ampang for another meeting for dinner this time with makandeh and her brood for a 8pm dinner date at KDE ... a nice place and we chat and had dinner till almost 10pm...unfortunately ummi couldn't get the green light from dad as the children will be left alone ...maybe next time ummi you get to meet MA.
Thank you MA for the dinner and finding time for me ... you have lovely children infact a very well behave children.
My plan that night was to stay with mas and dodie at SA but then Mas has to be in Kuala Kangsar that morning for Sultan Perak's birthday and she has to leave at 5.15am.I just don't have a heart to let her drive back and forth at that early hours .... so in the end I ask her to book for me a room at Concorde instead and she and dodie stay with me so she doesn't need to drive back and come again in the wee morning.

Our room to share with extra bed ..... very comfortable big and spacious .... and with good view from the 16th floor.

It comes with breakfast for 2 .... so much to eat and choose .........
Then extended meeting from Marche' to starbuck wasn't enough so she came to the hotel for another extended meeting ..... hahaha

Ummi came to visit whilst we were having breakfast to pass me a bag for Norabella .....

Thank you dear bloggers for all your cenderahati and presents ... even maklang c/o me an RE pouch thru' ummi .. thank you maklang ye.
Once again thank you from the bottom of my heart .... and hope to see you again sometimes but please don't bother abt giving anything just meet up and chat ok ?
to be continued ............
oh.. tema hitam putih pulak ye kat Concorde tu.. hehehe...
Such a sweet dining.
dunia ni kan very colourful indeed as long as its not been violated by aliens....hehehe
yes.. kan sehati 3 jiwa tu ... macam2 tau je nak pakai hitam putih hahaha..
kak elle, nice to have you around. kalau ada terkurang layanan tu harap maafkan ya.. kalau i single macam dodie memang i dah hop into the hotel room hahaha
haha tak sengaja kan kita sejiwa berwarna ...
yes its so nice to flop ont he hotel bed bangun mandi terus gi breakfast .... what a life ... tu lah kena penuhkan poket lagi baru bolih naik lagi ke KL...
you and gang did well in looking after this old lady ... it should be me thanking you ppl dan maafkan lah kalau too demanding ye.
iskkkk, rugi tak dapat join, next time tak nak ketinggalan.
bila agak2nya next one tu kak elle? seronok tengok you guys jumpa2 dengan happynya.. sangatlah envy.. heheh..
bila lagi nak datang Kl? hehe.. macam la boleh borak hehe
Memang padat betul jadual lawatan akak kali ni, sekali datang dapat jumpa ramai rakan bloggers , Alhamdulillah .... puan manager tu memang telah jalankan tugas dengan amat cemerlang, I dari jauh pun memang boleh rate dia A+++, tahniah.... confirm tak boleh resign tau :)
Wah, banyaknya hadiah... Jealous Cath... Kak Ummi is indeed an awesome lady. I miss her so much.
dua kalai saya invite tapi tak juga berjumpa zany:(
lagi setahun nak simpan $$$ dulu...hehee
bila zino practise cam mana nak berbual ngan saya..jgn sogan lagi ye...haha
mmg jadual yg ketat sekali tapi kan sempat bershopping jugak bantai beli koreanDVD's...hahaha
jgn jeles...tangan yang memberi lagi baik dr tangan yg menerima tau:)...
Salam Kak Elle
It was nice to see you too. And Mas and Dodie juga.
Thank you for your time and gifts. Looked like you had a great time in KL.
wahh..queen latifah dtg KL,berebut2 org nk jumpa dia...hehe.for a nice,lovly person like u sis..for sure seme org nak jumpa!
p/s:hehe looking at the RE pouch tu ingatkan maklang dtg kl senyap2..rupernye dititip pd sis ummi.
the time passes too fast I don't get enough of KL...hehe
once again thank you.
lain kali kena 1 to 1 interview satu org bagi 15 minit untuk berkenal...hahaha
meriah.. meriah..!!
yes yes.. saya di kerteh & kuantan sedia menerima tetamu bloggers dari se-antero dunia..
Kak...memang rasa tak cukup masa masa jumpa kat Marche tu...masa suntuk pastu dgn acara makan2 lagi tak sempat kita nak beramah mesra dengan semua orang kan?
Harap2 kita dpt berjumpa lagi ye kak...seronok...
Jeles tol ngan Ummi tu...ada aje dia menyelit kat mana2...heheheh
waa...puas ye kak...banyak kali dapat jumpa2 ni...he..he..
small gift only kak..sebab ari tu memang hajat nak kasi tu tak sampai...nasib baik ummi tolong.
thanks ummi!:)
hehe nanti kita serang kuantan...haha
lain kali buat kena group yg kecik jadi semua bolih berbual sama..hehe
gian 3 tahun berkenal tak pernah jumpa..tu yg sampai menitis air mata terlalu gembira.
kalau ada lagi gathering ,
please include nama pB.
And this time , pB nak duduk sebelah Kak Elle. Baru boleh sembang sembang ......
ok ok kita chop tempat ye jgn bagi lain org duduk....hahaha
insya'allah kalau panjang umur kita jumpa lagi:)
oiittt....sempat bergambar rupernyer kat hotel...hahahahhaa
i'm glad you had a good time sis..
salam...seronok tgk kak elle gath kat kl...saya dpt ckp dgn nora aje masa dlm kereta hari tu..
nanti kalau sudi..bolehlah saya join pulak ...nak jumpa sha dan anie..
terrer kan kita2 ni asyik bergambar aje...haaha
tu lah u dah cabut gi KK cam mana ada jumpa 'datuk'2 yg hensem2 tak...hahaha
ina kl...
salam kembali...ok lain kali kita bagi tau tapi kalau nak jumpa sya and anie tak yah tunggu saya dtg bila2 kan bolih jumpa mereka di KL:)
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