I did the above picture last week before I left for KL to insert in my entry on arwah bapak's birthday on 11th April but because blogger was on strike and unable to upload pictures the above couldn't go with the entry .... this little boy of kaklady shares the same birthday as arwah and the last 3 yrs I've been wishing both of them happy birthday on same day.
I sms kaklady on that day wishing him happy birthday when I was in KL and was told he smiles when he read the message.So Aeez here's your birthday wishes again from aunty elle this year.
Last nite my niece Shasha came to spend the nite with me so I ordered KFC for dinner for both of us its the mother's day special and as a gift it comes with an overnite bag (small) aje.
As usual my limit is just 2 pcs plus a med tub of whipped potatoes ...... the balance will be Shasha's lunch when I am at work. Last nite she was still online around 1am ntah what time dia tido ..... I was already in lala land .....
Tomorrow friday I am leaving again for a weekend escaped so my daily happenings will be with no news till I come home on sunday night.
Have a nice weekend folks.
Amboi amboi amboi.. Jalan-jalan cari makan lagik ya... Hari ni Cath pun perkena ayam goreng, not from KFC but Popeye's.. Sedap.
its chicken day ye? huh kali ni kalau buat entry I balik nanti Cath mesti terperanjat tau...haha...tunggu ye.
Holiday lagi ke Kak Elle?
where to now?
lama tak makan kfc.. teringin nya laaa..
nak tau tunggu sunday mlm buat n3 kalau tak penat lah tu....hehehe
kali ni jgn terkejut ye
best nyer
tak makan tengah hari lagi nie
Nyum, nyum, sedapnya ayam tu .... selamat bersantai bersama rakan2 di KL nanti :)
jom kita gempar kan KL ...jgn lupa baju hitam ye...hahaha
Kak...terima kasih kerana buat entry khas buat fareez biarpun kali ni atok yang menyambut hari jadi yang sama telah tiada...
Dia gembira sgt nak berjumpa auntynya minggu ni...
Hari ni dia tengok gambar tu...sengeh2 dia...
And thanks for the sms on his birthday...sayangnya kita tak dpt jumpa ye...
hampa hari tu tak dpt upload gambar tu..
Kita jumpa sabtu ni ye...surpriseeeeeee
banyak tu nak seketul hehe
nak ye mari lah...hehe
wah escapade ke mana la agaknya kak elle kali nie ek...
those ayam surely look tempting huhuhuhu...
akak.... lesap lagi?? have fun!!
happy belated birthday Aeez.. n Al fatihah to arwah atok...
take care akak..
Kak Elle dah tau dah!! walaupun kak Elle tak buat entry lagi..
or dah?? neeza tak dapat baca entry baru kak elle lagi ni.. entry kak azah pun tak dapat baca.. nampak kat blog list ada tapi bila bukak, takde pulak..
syoknyaaaa!!! neeza rasa sedih pulak sebab tak dapat join.. boleh tak kalau kita buat lagi?? heheh..
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