Getting the coach to sentral is another madness ... No Queque what so ever everyone rushing to board the coach ... pushing..pushing ... children,the elderly and the able bodied.After anothe 45 minutes we finally to get one to hours journey....then the nightmare begin ....waiting for a cab even with coupon will take another 1-2 hrs .... at same time Dodie sms to say she's on the way to fetch me from the hotel .... hahaha ... very funny rite and there I was stuck for a cab in the end I had to SOS Dodie to come and fetch us from sentral itself ... the rain was heavy too and jam and finally we got into D's car and went straigth to Concorde where we had dinner with Mas nad Dodie. My hair was wet because of the rain ,smelly too after that long wait...wait...wait .... the rest of the Jellanies join us soon after and we had an awesome dinner with 2 beautiful ladies....
We finally left for Zon where we will be staying for 2 nites and dear Dodie drove us and stayed for chit chat and followed by Mas .... we yak..yak.. till 1.30am and I had to chase the 2 girls off so they too can go home and have their sleep.
Thank you Mas and Dodie for the lovely dinner.
We stayed here a 2 rooms apartment @ the Zon at Ampang....Aini and family stayed next door whilst the 2 boys Ram and me in this unit.
Bloggers meet on 11th April @ melting Pot.
My little gifts to those who came ..... since I was early I set the table putting the gift on each mat ... before the guests arrive.
Then one by one they came Ummi365,maklang,kak nong and her daughter sarah and lastly kak ezza .... to those who couldn't make it last minute maybe we'll have another chance at another time.
Let the pictures be the envy of everyone ...... hahahaha All the ladies in pink ..... our theme for the afternoon.
pssst kalau atok Zino hadir kena lah pakai pink batik shirt .... hehehe

Real makan-makan .... semua lupa diet-miet .... hehehe

The group photos witht the help of a staff there ......

The gifts exchange ..... thank u all for the lovely gifts .....

Ummi365 came to visit last night at around 8pm ... get to know more of her children
bye for now we meet again soon.
woh ho ho... it was fun fun fun.. i think i put on 1 kg.. tak pernah den makan sebegitu banyak.. nasib baik pakai baju kelawar, sort of hiding the gebu muffin top hehehe
Best, best,best...terasa macam I ada kat situ , I tumpang happy tengok wajah2 ceria semua di sana.
Next time kita jumpa pulak...theme purple pulak...hehehe.
tumpang lalu kak elle,
kak rina, purple?!!! perrrhhh bole saja, tapi den tak ado baju purple..nak kena buek dari sekarang nih..
thanks for all your help ya:)wei I had 2 days straight of makan2 lagi gebu tengok lah gambar2 tu I am so FAT....hehe
bila tu nak pakai purple tapi saya takde baju warna purple....lain warna bolih?
I puntakdo purple colour wuahhhhhhhhh
nampak meriah tu... kalau zino datang macam dah terasa kekok je nanti hehe..
kena pakai baju batik ke? hehe
apa nak kekok kata lelaki mesti pandai sesuai kan diri...
baju batik tu cuma aca aje..tak kira lah asal ada pink...hehe
Memang best sebab tak sangka dapat attend jugak kak...itulah ketentuan Allah...dapat jugak merapatkan silatulrahim lagi..Alhamdulillah..
The food was good and the company was superb! Hope to meet all again bila akak ke KL lagi..:)
wah seronoknya!! Masa kak teh balik duduk di Concorde, lupa pulak yang Mas kerja di situ and tak jumpa until she came to see me in Bangi.
Busy betul makcik2 bloggers di sana. AM feeling a bit lonely here...BUT a blogger friend is coming end of this month.
tu yg dikatakan pertemuan di tangan Nya kan? sape sangka kita bolih berada di tempat yg sama di masa yg sama jugak.
Mmg seronok dapat berjumpa macam ni berborak dan makan2...
Insya'allah kena rancang lagi mungkin di tempat yg lain pulak...hehe
kak teh...
oh what a pity so near and yet so far kan?Mas offer was too good to resist...hehe
Wonder who that blogger friend coming visiting ye?anyway have a good time:)
tumpang lalu...
tu la kak teh..takper2 next time kak teh balik holiday, we'll do a massive gathering :)
haahhahaa..purple kalu...mas ngan dodie no problem...we had a purple theme party in march recently :)
happening habis tu!! walaupun tak ramai tapi nampak meriah betul..
bila lagi Kak Elle nak turun KL?
Kena beli baju purple barulah kak elle dan ummi, tup tup I yang nanti tak dapat datang lagi....hehehe.
celah sekali lagi.... maszuzu dan dodie dah ready dengan kaler purple so kira onlah theme colour tu for next gathering :)
you tak cek ke kak teh hinggap kat sana...hehe
not purple pleaseeeeeeeeeeee...hahaha
any other colour but not that asal kena beli dah tak pakai.
sungguh meriah maklum lah pertama berjumpa kak nong nad kak ezza...
bila neeza nak balik?
saya akan beli kalau rina bolih apa macam on tak?
oops ada lagi ye...on when the purple suggestion ada sama tau...
Wah...jeles...jeles..theme colour PINK lagi tu. Seronok gitu!
Kak Elle...shall we have PYJAMAS party?? he..he....
hahaha jgn jeles nnt turn kita ada juga...
pyjamas party ok its on...hehe
slumber party? sounds yummy!!! NJ will wear the sexiest,sampai tak sanggup akak2 sumer nengok,heheh.. :p
Kak elle kalau sya join nanti sume orang terjangkit sakit mata. Hopefully my eyes will be ok this weekend.
Sya sokong pyjama party tu
amboi amboi.. gelak ketawa denganr sampai penang tau.
Tumpang lalu to Manager in KL - mingge depan theme color apa pulak? hehehe..
see what you miss...hehe
oh tak bolih join ye?
takpe kita tengok drjauh and say hi
oh kuat nya suara kita sampai ke Penang...hehe
colour scheme black bolih atau red menyala...hahaha
Kak...memang nampak happy je semua ...tumpang happy untuk kak elle & bloggers yang lain...
Anie tak dpt dtg..tapi berharap sangat can make it another day...
sedih betul i tak dapat nak join the meeting last Saturday...all this because of the incident happened to me...I really hope one day boleh jumpa kak elle lagi..
sungguh meriah bila dah berkumpul tau:)
insya'allah ada rezeki kita jumpa ye.
yes I heard from ummi abt ur trauma tu kesian...
takpe ada rezeki kita jumpa di lain masa.
akaaakkk... i terforgot....this ubat selsema and flu is so strong that i dozed off soon after taking it kak!
aiyaahhh... jeles ni tgk you and Mas and Ummi365... and other bloggers have good makan2... hehehe i ingat mkn2 dulu kak!
anyways, tumpang happy tgk you so happy... muaaahhhh!
hope u dah feel better today...takpe tak rezeki nak jumpa lagi.
salam!! all the way fr Spore ek? very interesting!!
Kak Elle, hari ni semua orang kat ofis jeles tengok i pakai tudung baru. The colour soooo sweet. Thanks kak...
Dorang kat penang dapat dengar kita sembang & ketawa hari tu. Too short a time, but sara & i had so much fun getting to know you and the rest...
yes dari singapura:)
the headband muat tak?kalang kabut mengait tu nak habiskan.
orang penang gelisah tu nong sampai dia terdengar2 gelak ketawa kita....hehehe...
kak elle, neeza balik bulan 6 ni.. hujung2 sikit... jom la jumpa2 lagi.. :)
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