The novels that I managed to grab .......
My partner in crime to the book fair my bubbly Mas .......
The beautiful Anis Ayuni ...... bought her latest book too.
My favourite all time novelist .... who else Aisya Sofea .... as promised we get to meet each other ... thank you so much my dear for being there .... but where is my AF ?????
Looking at both of us do you think there's a resemblance in us????
Here's Aina Emir another novelist and I bought 3 of her books too ....
I had to leave the hall as I felt like I can't breathe and I was sweating ......
hahaha .... trying to copy their 'best' sign .......
I went into the cafe for a drink and sat there whilst Mas went in to browse ... hmmm.... she too is a book worm ......

When she came out she bought this set of books with few others ..... few hundreds ringgit terbangggggggg........
When she came out she bought this set of books with few others ..... few hundreds ringgit terbangggggggg........
On Sunday Mas has to be in KK for the sultan birthday celebration as Concorde was chosen and all the management staff have to be present.
Sweet Dodie took care of me after we had breakfast at the melting pot we went back up to our room and continue with our nap .... and finally checked out around 2pm and headed for the PV for lunch.My first time trying laksa curry ... not bad.... but laksa nyonya would be better :) since we had time to kill we browse around and drop by a shop ...............
RM$326/- on these .........
Korean DVD ...... hahaha.....
and also these 2 ..................
hehe .... wouldn't it be better if I buy blouses from Ms Read?
At 3.40pm we left PV and Dodie drove straight to the coach pick-up point and off I go at 4.30pm .... to home sweet home Singapore ....
Listening to the inhouse music during the journey and I watched 'Mamamia the movie' again ... my 3rd time .....
whilst si hensem ni serve our meals ........ aah he should be flying with SIA or MAS lah with his good look .......... betul tak Sya?
This is the end of my sequel on merah & meriah until my next blogger meeting again.
yeayyyy,, numoro uno lagi!
Cepat-cepat cari family tree kot-kot ada hubungan denagn Aesya Sofea..bak kata Ummi, mmg sebijik sebijon.
Selesa nampak coach tu ya.
shopping spreeee!!!!
Novel tu nanti kallau dah habis baca,boleh pinjam tak....hahahhaha
numoro uno ... no presente...hehe
cikmilah... tree ku di mana kah kamu...
Coach tu selesa milah skg dah ada dr sg ke penang pulang balik...aeroline
kak ezza...
bolih tapi kena charge ye....hehehe
semuga kunjungan kak elle kali ni berbaloi... macam2 dapat hehe
eh kak elle...i minat yang tukang kasi air tu.. boleh ke? kak sya tak marahkan hehehe. tapi nanti orang auh marahlah pulak..
akak naik bus ke? insyaAllah nanti jumpa arrrr bila datang lagi. meriah betul shopping.
Kak Elle...
Sempat lagi tu... he he he. Alamak Kak Elle, beli lima buah aje? Next year beli la lima puluh buah novel tau. He he he...
reading all the parts ni, rasa cam neeza pulak yang pergi KL hehee.. seronoknya kak Elle...
betul lah.. memang macam ada resemblance lah kak Elle and Aisya Sofea tu.. cuma... pssttt.. kakak neeza ni nampak muda ;)
alhamdulillah kali ni mmg berbaloi
si steward tu mmg kacak kan dengar2 ada orang amek gambar dia sampai dia malu tau....hehehe
ye first time mencuba coach dr aeroline mmg best dan selesa.
kalau tak mmg nak borong lagi tapi too crowded lah tu terpaksa keluar ...haha
imagine tu neeza lah yg ke KL cuba bayangkan best kan...hehe
pssstt kakak yg mana satu ye?
WOW, you spent over 3 hundred ringgit on DVD..?? WOW!!!
Musim Korean Drama ke ni...?? My mom also gila korean drama.
beli memilih tak kira bila nak bayar makoi so much???...hahaha
Kak Elle.. u r right he should be working with MAS or SIA, I bet he is scared of height tu sbb pilih bus service.
Masa Mimi took his pict he like malu2 senyum but the bus driver lak yg sungguh2 posing.
Thanks for all the receipts buku, utk kegunaan percukaian tahun depan tu
lupa nak tanya si hensem dah ada yg punya belum...kalau tak bolih intro kat Anis...hehehe
Borong novels , best tu dapat bergambo dengan those novelists , tu yang mahal tu.
amboi akak... hectic tu jadual you...
and you sure shopping tu kak and korean movie fans ya... i takleh tengok all those movies tu...sureberndam airmata hehee
eh best pulak naik coach ye..siap ada serve makanan lagi tu...
hope to meet you again sis....
i missed this gathering happened my ex classmate but gathering jugak on that day.. kalau 2 minggu in a row boleh turun KL so lepas ni bolehla kak elle turun KL selalu.. kak elle naik that double decker coach tu ke..
dpt lima tu dah cukup kang bag berat nak pikul...hehe
baru aje minat kat mata2 sepet ni dulu cuma tengok kat tv tapi skg dah mabuk sampai beli dvd ...haha
coach aerolne tu selesa cuma turun naik tangga tu aje kat immigration ..insya'allah ada rezeki bolih jumpa lagi.
adoi 2 minggu berturut kempes poket saya...kena isi dulu...hahaha
memang meriah sungguh la lawatan kak elle ke KL yer...bestnya dapat bergambar dengan novelis dan ambik otograf sekali...
suker tengok posing kak elle macam duta DCL ittewww hehehe
shopping sakan Kak Elle ...
pB tak sampai sampai pun lagi kat Pesta Buku tu ...
lawatan 3 in 1 ke KL syiok habis...hehe
bawa anak2 dan borong semua:)
Kak elle...barulah terang tengok gambar aisya sofea tu...jelesnya anie sebab tak dapat bergambar dengan novelis kesayangan anie tu...
Memang ada iras2 lah kak...
Ensem pelayan coach tu ye...betul kata akak...heheheh
Meriah..meriah.. Pesta Buku tu forever crowded.. I think its about time they change the venue.. Selalu kalau pergi, end up balik sakit kepala..
jgn cemburu tu rezeki saya sebagai dijanji olih aesya dia akan berjumpa saya:)
si hensem tu mmg segak org nya...haha
kalau di tukar venue nya pun akan ramai yg datang juga...
org kl pun tak pg lagi ni..hehehe
kak elle, kakak neeza tu.. kak elle la.. aisya sophea tu neeza tak kenal.. ;)
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