Alert OrangeVirus becoming increasingly better adapted to humans but may not yet be fully transmissible , requiring close contact with an index case.
1.Action:Implement “No visitor” rule at all hospitals.
2.Encourage temperature taking at schools and all non-healthcare workplaces, markets, places of mass gatherings etc.
3.Carry out temperature screening for in-bound and outbound passengers at all air, sea and land border checkpoints.
4.Consider closing of schools and suspension of public gathering and events.
We are very busy now at the school ringing every available company to supply face masks,digital thermometers and every necessary stuff in the event of pandameic.
Alhamdulillah today we received the supply of 5000 facial masks,400 digital thermometers and digital scanners.
More stocks coming in next week ...... busy...busy....busy.
So dear friends as from monday I have to be in school at 8am as we have to scan all students and staff ...... should they have fever we have to isolate them and send them home if necessary.
We are now on orange alert and we have to follow the rules .... today itself few students came all asking to check their temperature ..... adoi belum apa2 dah panic.
My doas and hope we in Singapore will be 'swine flu' free and situation over the world will improve for the better....insya'allah.
Saya lemas kalau kena guna mask satu hari .... tak tahannnnnnnnnnn.
Tapi I nampak kawan kita kat seberang cool aje no preparation lagik.....
memang seram dengar penyakit ni kan...berjaga2 jugak, tak pi jalan mana2..
moga di jauhkan Allah penyakit merbahaya ni dari kita semua di rantau Asia...
Semoga penyakit ni tak merebak lebih serius dari sekarang .
Kak ...semoga kita semua dilindungi...dan berharap agar penyakit tersebut tidak mereka ke mari...
Ini macam cerita movie yang dulu tunjuk that ebola thing! Adoii!
I dah weeks pakai mask 10 minutes a day! Bersihkan litter tray Lady Yoda!haha
Mudah2an the swine flu can be contained and tak spread ke Asean countries!
tu lah maklang skg kena screen seme2...sama2 kita doakan supaya tak merebak sampai ke sini.
insya'allah tak sampai kemari...saya yg pening skg sikit2 budak2 mai sickbay....hehe
harapan kami semua di jauhkan dr berjangkit.
hahaha to guna mask untuk lain kot..
Hope so too ....
neeza pun tak suka pakai mask.. nak bernafas pun susah..
takut jugak kan kak, dah ramai yang mati sebab swine flu ni.. nak pergi mana2 pun risau sebab naik flight nanti, ada pulak virus tu..
avoid crowded places...tu lah pembawa nya kita tak kenal...
Salam Kak Elle,
lamanya tak jenguk sini..hehehe..Cakap pasal flu ni.kat sinipun dah ada yang kena quarantine kak..siap keluar dalam news lagi..takut jugak saya..
Salam dari Liverpool
salam kembali...swine flu sudah merebak byk tempat skg kita kena berhati2 ye...stay away from crowded places.
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