Early part this morning was quiet except for a china girl who is vomitting badly after eating fried oyster on sat and sunday .... in the end had to call her mother to come at fetch her to the doctor.
Since it was slow going sempat berYM with Nora,my sis and also Mas ..... until they start coming in not in 2's but in 4's .... haha .... semua nya minta excuse from PE ... sorry boys you have to go for PE ... grow upa nd be boys .... for simple thing auty nurse not going to let you off .....
unless you are running with fever or bad flu ....
In the afternoon I resume doing the data entry again till almost 5.30pm but sempat YM ngan Dodie ..
On the way home dropby song & song just window shopping afterall the ATM is just next to them ... hehe .. good location kan? kuar duit belanja kat sana :)
Went home had a quick mashed potatoes and minced meat then off to IMM to go to Daiso to get stuff for Dodie and it was such a disappointment because .....................
at the entrace of Daiso I saw this .................

aaarrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what a waste of time I took the cab all the way and its closed for their dinner and dance .... aiyo of all days why tonite lah.
Dodie I tried ya ..... tak rezeki maybe another time.
adoi!! bengangnya cam tu. Kalau dekat takpelah jugak. Teringat last year, beriya lah Neeza pergi kedai ni nak beli peanuts.. sekali tutup for 2 days. Dah lah kedai tu je yang jual peanuts.. geereeemm..
Aduh, buat penat aje, Kak Elle. And here I was, waiting to see what "catch" you got at Daiso. I heard it's also a great place to get baking products ;-)
:) Its ok kak elle... Xpe kak elle, dont have to get the things for me. Coz i heard ada daiso baru bukak kat Puchong n i heard its a bigger outlet than The Curve. Trully sorry to trouble u all the way. I can find the things there. Soooooorrrry sangat2 eh kak elle. I cant wait to meet u dis friday!
sabar je lah hehe
mmg rasa frustrated kan bila sampai kedai tutup.
baking stuff??not sure pulak jarang jln kat that area...hehe
ye ke ada new branch...tengok lah free bolih kejap..kalau tak another time ok?
tu lah grrrrrr bila nampak gelap aje bukan saya sorang ada juga dlm3-4 org membaca notice tu:)
Mana kita nak tau dia tutup pulak ye... tak pe Dodie faham tu .
Ada jugak boys yang tak suka PE , I dulu tak suka PE sebab cikgu garang macam singa betina , tak enjoy langsung PE :)
Huhuhu ..sedih tak dapat jumpa akak di KL :(
Kesiannya... Sampai2 kat Daiso, tutup pulak kedai tu... Kesiiiiiiaaaan!!!! :(
antara 4 tu satu saya bagi excuse from PE sebab betul2 sakit perut...yg 3 tu cari excuse.
KL here I comeeeeeeeee .... hahaha
tu lah kalang kabut di buat nya sampai sana tutup pulak....
Kak Elle! You are always a very happy and go-lucky person! I tahu the minute you finished typing this entry, your disappointment vapourise terus!! hehe
Wah... manyak sakit hati woh.. ini macam.
Sabau ajelah... of all the days it must be 6 April 2009
pandai u eh tapikan sin ce Daiso tutup I jln lah kejap kat kedai2 yg ada tu for half an hour...hehe
tu lah kalau tau dia tutup mmg tak pergi patut announce lah kat paper kan...hahaha
tu lah geram bila tengok notice tu...sabar:)
tak dak reseki , kak elle ..
lain kali , kena call dulu kedai tu
Hmmm...geram kan kak...sampai2 aje ada notice camtu...rasa disappointed sgt...
Tak pernah dengar Daiso tutup kecuali raya cina...
tu ler kita ada terlari2 sampai tengok tutup awal pulak....
Kesian nye Kak Elle. Sabar je lah... Lepas tension kat KL nanti ye...
hehe ... yes nanti kita lepak dan berbual panjang di KLCC ye?
Siapa sangka dan siapa duga pergi ke Daiso pun boleh ibarat mengorak'langkah kiri". Kalau pergi ke rumah teman atau sahabat tanpa perancangan, keadaan ini mungkin berlaku, tetapi ini tempat membeli belah, jarang berlaku kecuali ia ditutup kerana Cuti umum! Kesian Elle, pulak tu tinggal di Bukit Batok,kalau di Jurong West di tempat saya, lainlah ceritanya!
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