The parcel ... a big box indeed ......
This is what I ordered .........
A close up ......
Then that was not all hidden underneath was this wrapped parcel .......

and it says Surprise ............

and it says Surprise ............
wow a suprise belated b'day gifts .....

A book with book marks ... so beautifully done .... sayang nak pakai lah Dodie ......hehehe

and she also frames a picture of me she curi from my face book .... hahaha and mouse pad with pictures of Mas,D and me during their stay at my place last December.

and a special buku yasin nicely done in my favourite colour pink ........
and this 'mamamia' cd of their trip to Singapore ...... unfortunately its too big a file otherwise I can put it up in You tube for all of us to watch ....
Thank you Dodie and Mas ...... love you too .
I manage to upload the CD that Dodie and Mas dedicate to me ......
I manage to upload the CD that Dodie and Mas dedicate to me ......
kak..cantik nya kak...
halus buatan dia...
tabik spring buat dodie...
kerja tangan yg paling halus sekali...
eh kak elle, pink is my fav colour too...cannot resist bila nampak anything to do with pink...i like the phrame, yassin and the book...very nice...nanti i nk try order something from dodie la..
cantiknya especially gambar lawa Queen Latifah tu :)
memang creative betul dodie ni kan..
whoa.. terlopong den!
Nak puji pun dah tak dak bahasa nak compliment dah...halus berseni!
kak ezza : halus mcm hazeline snow ker? hehe..thank u kak ezza.
Laracroft74: we loved the same fv color lar. Sama lar mcm D, xleh x pink. Ure most welcome to order anytime :) tq.
Neeza: Its Allah's gift that im proud that i can make my mamamia feel so special..and others too. Tq :)
CikMilah: terlopong ek?? Asalkan Kakelle suka..bahgia sungguh rasanya!
And most and formost..Im so Glad u Love it. Sorry again, parcel lambat no sampai.
tu dodie dah jawabkan semua persoalan jadi saya tak yah lah menjawab lagi eh...hehe
memang cantik hasil nya nak order lagi tau...haha
Cantiknya .Gambar akak dan book mark pink tu memang nampak class sekali.
hari ni tak guna anuar lagi ke...hehe
yes good workmanship:)
tengok tak video tu?
ermm tercapai jugak hajat di hatikan.. pink dodie girl ni memanglah teramat creatifnya.. wait i will put up something for you to see what she did for my fren..hehehe
Tergoda jugak tengok semua ni...
Untungnya Kak Elle....
yes she is very gifted in this field:)
lucky me eh?...hehe
Sentuhan dodie memang cantik...kreatif betul dia kan...?
buat suspen je pasal nak tutup blog tu..!!! terok la lately, internet connection saya hancus..
kurnia dr Nya kan?
haha terkena juga kan dgn april fool joke:)
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