Presenting darling Will ... everyone who has left msgs for me to gomol him considered it done.Will arrived late last nite at 9pm after a 6 hrs drive from Lake Charles where they live .. hmm pagi xmas celebrate with his maternal grandparents first and they start their journey here at 2pm with stopover for dinner.As we can see from his photos that I posted before he is what he is ...........

Will with groovy grandma .... hahaha

HENSEM NYA DIA...........

having his breakfast .... he eats by himself ....

Watching his favourite cartoon on tv at the patio ... he loves to come out to this area looking for birds....poor papa john kena layan cucu yg active.

With my grandnephews amd niece ... celebrating Kristina's birthday and more picrures coming up soon....
Eeee....geram betul laa...comel2 semuanya...
hehe mmg comel budak2 tu semua.
whose the other 2 kids?
thats Andre and Jukia- Roberts 2 kids.
hey sis...glad u r enjoying yurself....
alahai comelnya Will tu, gomol dan gomol lagi ye ... geramnyaaaaa.
enjoy dpt jumpa mereka yg best part ni lom shopping lagikkkkkkkkk
boys will be boys tak duduk diam asyik nak berjln susah nak dokong dia....hahaha
geramnya!! geramnya!! geramnya tengok will.. nanti biar kenan anak neeza lahir macam muka will.. hehehee....
Alahai hensem nya Will tu...
Kak Elle.. sya dah kat Bukit Pjg rumah my in laws.. thanks for the baju, dua hari kat rumah Nora.. dua hari saya melaran ngan baju tu.. ha ha ha. Hari Khamis terus pakai baju biru bunga2 and hari jumaat ke Esplanade pakai yg ungu..
Thank you thank you.. beg tu terus sya bawa balik k
Wil & cousins now has two neneks...the vogue&groovy nenek Elle and the nenek Maria yang cun... hahaha
hensem nya budak tu.. ramai peminat nanti tu hehe
pandang lama2 ye nanti sape tau muka sama jgn mata biru pulak...hahaha
sungguh hensem dan cute sekali...:)
baju bagi untuk di pakai kan...sayang saya takde kalau takbolih jumpa.
nenek vogue forever...hahaha
cam mana nak saya book kan untuk cucu zino tak...hehe
oooh Will's so cute!!! He'll grow up to be a heartbreaker, for sure!
nak I bookingkan dulu...hahaha
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